May 2, 2014

Vegan Coconut & Corn Chowdah. {Recipe}


I’ve lived a lot a places, but I was born in Boston which makes me an official chowder head.

I love me some chowder! And not the more health conscious Manhattan style either (even though I consider myself a New Yorker too)—I don’t want acidic tomatoes with my oyster crackers (also know as “erfster” crackers in my family)—I want rich, decadent cream.

Unfortunately for me, I also want to not eat dairy or the other animal fats (bacon, butter) which help create that magic potion.

So here is what I make—and I can honestly say I would serve it proudly to any fellow Bostonian, vegan or otherwise.

Go Red Sox!

Coconut and Corn Chowdah

4 cups veggie broth

2 cans full fat coconut milk

1 bag frozen corn or 6 ears fresh corn cooked any which way (grilled, boiled, roasted—doesn’t matter), kernels shucked

1 can white kidney beans (also known as cannelini)

2 cups carrots, peeled and finely chopped

6 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 white onion, finely chopped

1 t/l brown sugar + more to taste

1 tbl mild curry powder

1 tbl ancho chili powder

2 generous pinches of saffron (*tip: saffron is one of the most expensive spices you can find, but Trader Joe’s has cute little jars of it for a very reasonable price.)

sea salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste

1 tbl coconut oil

Saute onion and garlic in coconut oil until soft, around five minutes. Add everything else, bring to boil and simmer five minutes. Adjust spices—you may need more salt, pepper or sugar. Garnish with a few saffron threads and serve with plenty of “erfster” crackers and an ice cold Newcastle Brown Ale.


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Editor: Travis May

Photo: Pixoto


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