July 28, 2014

12 Things you might want to read while sipping your Fiji bottled water.

fiji plastic water bottle eco greenwashing



Don’t do Bottled Water.

It’s generally less regulated, and dirtier, than tap water.

But if you’re going to do bottled water, take care before lapping up Fiji Water. Why?

You might be stealing water from a thirsty country, you might be paying for it to be packaged it in plastic (which might be bad for you),

and shipping halfway across the planet (bad for all of us).

You can get an undersink filter to take out fluoride, which by most reports is okay for us.


6. After FIJI Water ran an ad joking that it “wasn’t bottled in Cleveland,” the Cleveland Water Department proved that Fiji Water contained the highest levels of arsenic and other contaminants when compared to Cleveland tap water and other bottled brands(washingtonpost.com)

7. 53% of people in Fiji have no access to safe drinking water, despite the Fiji Water bottling company’s activity there. (en.wikipedia.org)

8. This message taped to a bottle of Fiji water [pic] (jeffreytwentyseven.blogspot.com)

9. Americans can get clean water from Fiji more simply than Fijians can. (npr.org)

10. 1 liter of Fiji Bottled Water uses 26 Liters Water + 1 Kg Fossil Fuel + 1 Pound CO2 (digitaljournal.com)

11. Fiji water doesn’t let the Fijian people near their aquifer. Those people get 4 gallons of clean water per family per week. (greenwala.com)

12. Nowhere in Fiji Water’s marketing will you find reference to the typhoid outbreaks that plague Fijians; the corporate entities that they’ve set up in tax havens like the Cayman Islands; or mention of the military junta for which Fiji Water is a major source of global recognition and legitimacy. (motherjones.com)



Fiji accuses global community of abandoning the Pacific on climate change, singles out ‘selfish’ Australia – accused the global community of abandoning Pacific island nations to “sink below the waves” instead of tackling climate change. (abc.net.au)

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