July 10, 2014

My Matthew McConaughey Speech upon Getting Both Feet in the Air in Crow Pose. ~ Michael Mark {Poem}



Flickr: Allmightymo

At awards shows, victories are celebrated with impassioned speeches. Matthew McConaughey’s have set a new standard.

Here’s a yoga victory speech from another M.M.


First, gotta praise Jesus

and Buddha and Yahweh! Three—count

’em yourself—three

wise gurus who’ve inspired me with

every Ujjayi breath!


And to my parents,

for passing on their genes—Mom, Pop,

I felt you in my quivering thighs,

the journey of my sweat!


Of course, my wife—

without whom I’d never have the confidence

to fall on my face and not care!

Honey, you never flinched when I came home

with those bloody noses—We did it babe!


Papa’s got a brand new posewoooo!


No proper nutrition—no liftoff!

A shout out to my chef Jack In The Box!

Dude, you make my burgers and

you make me laugh!


And above all—my yoga teachers!

In the dark days you said,

Lean forward more.

And things I still don’t get

like Breathe into the landscape

of your inner being.

It worked! Deep bow!


I share this humbling moment

with all my fellow Yogis!


As always: CAW!

Continue.  Awakening.  World.



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Editor: Renee Picard

Photo: Allmightymo at Flickr 

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