November 21, 2014

Elephant Journal’s Mindful Thanksgiving Guide.

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“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” ~ John F. Kennedy


Here are our favorite, most popular, most inspiring Thanksgiving blogs. May they be a guide for you this Thanksgiving. In no particular order:


Stuff the Turkey, Not Yourself: 5 Ways to Avoid Overindulging this Thanksgiving. 

5 Tips to Feel Great After Thanksgiving Dinner.

How to Host the best Thanksgiving Dinner Ever, with Slow Food Chef Peggy Markel. {video} #walkthetalk

How to Have an Awesome Plant-based Thanksgiving (When All of Your Relatives Eat Meat).

Here’s what one American thinks about Big Box Retailers opening up during Thanksgiving.

Best Thanksgiving blog ever.


A Buddhist Thanksgiving.

Why I—a meat eater—am going meatless this Thanksgiving. 

This Thanksgiving, Millions will not Eat. Here’s how to Help.

10 Movies to Remind us that Life is Good this Thanksgiving Season.

4 Yoga Poses to Combat Thanksgiving Day Stress.

William S. Burroughs’ unbelievable Thanksgiving Prayer—by Gus Van Sant.

ralph waldo emerson

Johnny Cash sings Thanksgiving.

Ayurveda Q&A with Dr. John Douillard: Fight Holiday Indigestion and Keep Off Winter Lbs.

10 Obvious Ways to make this the Best Thanksgiving Ever.

Have a Happy Green Thanksgiving. Buy local, be cheerful. [free-range, eco, tofurkey, Good Shepard Turkey, Heritage Turkey, Rainbow Ranch]

22 Reminders of How to Be a More Grateful Person.

Go Cold Turkey: Buy Nothing on Black Friday. 

Happy Thanksgiving

Now for the recipes…

>  Ask John Douillard: 8 reasons to go Crazy for Cranberries.

A Very Vegan Thanksgiving. {Recipes}

Giving Thanks for Delicious No-Harm Recipes

Sweet & Savory Quinoa Stuffing. {Vegan, Gluten Free Recipe}

No-Bake Nepali Apple Crumble. {Not Vegan, Not Gluten-Free Recipe}

Spinach Smashed Potatoes & Mushroom Gravy. {Vegan Recipe}

Thanksgiving Menu: Corn & Zucchini Mexicana. {Gluten Free, Vegetarian Recipe}

Easy Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts. {Recipe}

Top Chef Hosea Rosenberg, for Whole Foods: How to Carve your Turkey.


Did we forget one you loved? Include in the comments below!


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