December 14, 2014

Elephant’s Top 10 Things-to-Buy List is Better than all the others.

christmas presents rockwell

We’re in the midst of the Sixth Extinction. Corporations are bending our society for un-equal profits. Elephants are close to extinction. Fish populations are collapsing.

The greatest gift we can give is love. Love, generally, can’t be purchased. This Christmas, let’s give the gift of mindfulness. Of open conversation where we’ve been closed, in a rut.

So, in that loving Holy-day spirit, here’s my elephant journal’s Top Ten Things to Buy List.

But, generally, conscious consumerism is the key.

I’m vegan, which is one of the easiest ways to reduce our impact on animals. But animals are dying en masse because of Big Ag—soy, corn, palm oil, too. I bought most of my Christmas (yes, I’m Buddhist, but hell I love the pagan and faith-based traditions of this time of year) gifts at a local shop called Momentum, where everything is fair-trade. Every gift has a story. The gifts, small or large, are more meaningful and fun with those stories. I’ve bought the rest of my gifts at local craft fairs, where I get to directly support the artists and farmers who made the goods. Conscious consumerism—if and only if it includes the “list” above—is the key to saving our planet for the next generation.

A planet that includes elephants.

Peace on Earth,

Waylon Lewis
editor-in-chief, host
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