January 12, 2015

The One Thing I’m Sh*t-scared of.

Katarina Tavčar

All my life I’ve had this fear of being left. A fear of being forgotten. And I have never told anyone about it.

I have absolutely no idea where it came from or how it built up but here it is and I have to deal with it.

I’ve had a lovely childhood with amazing parents so that’s not it. I’ve been the one ending all the (major) relationships of mine so that’s not either. But five years ago, my dad died. And I think that just made things and my abandonment issues even worse.

I don’t wait for people to leave me so I’m the one leaving most of the time. And if things are good, it’s just a trick, something must be wrong or something will go wrong really soon and this fairytale will be ended.

Are you asking yourself where this is going already? Well, I wanted to let go of this issue already and I realised that before I can do it, I have to tell someone about it. And what’s better than telling it to 14.7 million of readers a month, heh?

So this is me, Kat, the abandonment issue one and I’m starting to change this around starting today. And hopefully a few months from now I’ll be able to tell you how I did it, you know, when I manage to figure it out.


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Author: Katarina Tavčar

Editor: Katarina Tavčar

Photo: Author’s own

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