March 20, 2015

Undaming The Elwah River—Good News for UN World Water Day, 2015. {Video}

“To address the many challenges related to water, we must work in a spirit of urgent cooperation, open to new ideas and innovation, and be prepared to share the solutions that we all need for a sustainable future.” ~ Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (on this year’s objectives for UN World Water Day)

Below is an excerpt from the UN site about the event and a comment about water use as it relates to agriculture.

“World Water Day is celebrated on 22 March of every year. It’s a day to make a difference for the members of the global population who suffer from water related issues. It’s a day to prepare for how we manage water in the future. In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly designated 22 March as the first World Water Day. 22 years later, World Water Day is celebrated around the world every year, shining the spotlight on a different issue.”
“The current growth rates of agricultural demands on the world’s freshwater resources are unsustainable. Inefficient use of water for crop production depletes aquifers, reduces river flows, degrades wildlife habitats, and has caused salinization of 20% of the global irrigated land area. To increase efficiency in the use of water, agriculture can reduce water losses and, most importantly, increase crop productivity with respect to water.” (from

The UN lists eight areas that are directly affected by water concerns worldwide.
Sustainable Development

Each heading can be explored further on their site and is a valuable insight into how deeply water issues impact society.
Also, under “organize your own event” one can view activities planned in many communities for that day and/or add your own.

In very different news, Nestle is pushing to privatize and control public water resources.

Nestlé’s Chairman of the Board, Peter Brabeck, said, “The one opinion, which I think is extreme, is represented by the NGOs, who bang on about declaring water a public right. That means as a human being you should have a right to water. That’s an extreme solution.”

Nestlé is, in effect, bullying communities into giving up control of their water resources.

If they have their way, water will be the luxury that it is already threatening to become, costing us more per liter than fuel for our cars.

However, I would like to leave you with good news.

The Undamming of the Elwha River.

It is the largest un-damming project in history, completed in 2014, and will see the restoration of eco-systems and salmon habitat such as has not been witnessed in over 100 years.

Within weeks of the final demolition last August, threatened Bull Trout and Chinook Salmon were seen migrating into waterways beyond the rubble.

It is a triumphant story that will give way to more rivers being released to their original flow once again. While the task to re-populate the waters with salmon was painstaking and hardly easy on the fish, it is important work in reintroducing salmon and trout to their wild waterway and natural mating habitat.

But before you press play, I also leave you with the title of a book that has taught me about the fascinating properties of water itself, an inspired volume written by Dr. Emoto, The Hidden Messages of Water. It shows water as much more than a means to an end, as something we use for drinking and washing our dishes. It is, indeed, a powerful element with mysteries to spare.

The video below explains it beautifully.



Relephant read:

“Where’s my Free Water?” & other Delusions.


Author: Monika Carless

Apprentice Editor:Renee Jahnke/ Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: courtesy of author and wiki commons

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