April 16, 2015

10 Sexy Ways we can Celebrate Earth Day! {Adult-ish}

Wiki Commons

“Sex is a part of nature, and I go along with nature.” ~ Marilyn Monroe

Feeling connected to our lovers and the amazing universe is one of the sexiest things that we can experience!

Any day is a good day to experiment and try some new things with our lover, but this Earth Day, we can not only do something good for the environment, but we can do each other pretty good, too…

Read on for some exciting ways to get a little earth friendly with our lovers today—and tonight—so that maybe every day can be Earth Day!

1. Go Pitch a Tent. No, seriously, go put up a tent, even if only in the backyard, and fill it with soft blankets and big pillows, add a little lantern, and cuddle up under the stars tonight! (All National Parks offer free admission on Earth Day, if you’re looking for that true camping experience!)

2. Flip the Switch. Tonight, keep the lights off and fill your home with candles; lit from every source, let your lover admire you in nothing but candle light and you’ll have them begging for every day to be Earth Day!

3. Power it Down. Keep the TV off tonight, turn off tablets and phones. Tonight, why not make the entertainment about each other? Talk about life, about your thoughts, about what you want to do to each other’s bodies while looking into their eyes. Make it about the connection!

4. Conserve Water. Skip the separate showers tonight and instead shower together! Take the time to wash each other’s worries away from the day and enjoy the way your bodies feel together, exactly the way nature intended!

5. Heat it Up. Use body heat to stay warm! Tonight turn off the heat and instead snuggle up and wuzzle down; under thick duvets and romantic quilts, let the heat that you create keep you warm!

6. Skin Is In. Go naked! Running the washer and dryer uses a lot of water and electricity. So, instead of changing into sweats or pj’s once you’re home today, why not go naked? It’s great for your skin, too!

7. No Cooking? No Problem! Have a floor picnic instead! Using gas or electricity to cook dinner every night can really add up! Instead, grab some fresh apples, cheeses and a bottle of local organic vino and set up an indoor (or outdoor!) picnic for two!

8. Back to Basics. Take time to enjoy the simple things! Go for a walk with your lover tonight, watch the sunset together and the first stars appear in the sky; see how many constellations you can find. Build a bonfire outside tonight, and then cuddle up next to your lover and start your own kind of fire!

9. Enjoy The Fruits of Nature. Instead of just keeping the fruit limited to dinner; bring it into the bedroom, too! Try adding fruits such as grapefruit, mangos, pineapple and papaya to foreplay or even oral sex; enjoy all the fruits of nature, and let yourself become ripe for your lover!

10. Channel Your Inner Hippie. We all have that inner hippie inside of us, the one who is just craving to let out our inner wild-thang and play naked outside in the moonlight; so today, channel that inner hippie and get busy doing it like they do on the discovery channel!

Whatever ways you decide to celebrate Earth Day, just do it!

We are all connected in this one amazing universe, and regardless of gender, race or nationality we all call this beautiful planet home. So today, tonight, let’s find the sexy in being earth conscious and show mother nature just how down & dirty we can get…

It’s all for the sake of the planet, right?!


Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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