April 16, 2015

How to be an Excellent Lover. {Adult}

sexy couple love

Put aside the instruction manuals. Your partner’s body is a unique landscape to be explored.

Explore it—with care and attention. With your hands, your mouth, your eyes.

Remove her garments. Slowly. Or urgently. It doesn’t matter, as long as you undress her.

Look into his eyes. Gaze unflinchingly, unashamedly.

Breathe fully and deeply. Synchronise your breathing. Inhale her exhalation. Allow her to inhale yours.

Ask questions. Answer honestly.

Tell him what you’d like in this moment. Or show him where and how to touch you.

Be real. Be vulnerable.

Kiss her. On the mouth, the back of her neck, the top of her thigh, her belly button. Light kisses. Deep and probing kisses. Kiss her until she trembles and cries out for carnal fusion.

Take responsibility for your own pleasure. Give gentle but clear feedback—through moans, words and movement.

Stroke his back, his belly. Suck his nipples. Notice what makes him quiver.

Was that a sharp intake of breath? Oh, do that again!

Did I mention moaning? Moan. Softly or loudly—just make some noise.

Go down on her. Tease her with your tongue—giver her a hunger for a deeper thrusting.

But don’t go chasing orgasms.

Focus instead on mutual pleasure. When pleasure is all that’s sought and orgasms are experienced as a bonus, they often come more easily. More readily. Just, more.

Relax. Enjoy the delicious sensation of lying skin-to-skin with another beautiful soul. Languish lazily, draped in each other’s limbs, dipping in and out of love-making. Indulge in the moment. In one another.

Be yourself and allow your partner to be who they are too.

Be present—in your own body and with the body next to you. Present and connected, love one another with all of your body and soul—even if it is only for a brief moment in time.


Relephant Read:

6 Ways to Have Radically Intimate Sex


Author: Hilda Carroll

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo via Pixoto


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