April 9, 2015

One almond takes 1.1 gallons of water to grow. Guess how much for one ounce of beef?

I swear if I see one more article or post about almonds while completely overlooking the meat and dairy industry, I may go INSANE.(veganstreet.com)

Click here to see the NY Times’ interactive page of different foods and how much water it takes to grow them.

Charts Showing You How Much Water It Takes To Grow All The Food You Eat:

Everyone’s talking, lately, about how much water it takes to grow almonds. And that is a real concern. Almonds are California’s third largest agricultural product. California is the world’s largest producer of almonds…and they use like, 8 times less water than meat and dairy per pound. It takes something like 400 gallons of water to produce a pound of almonds (which certainly sounds ridiculous)…but 2000 gallons to produce a pound of beef.

Want to save water? Easy: eat less meat. And if you’re going to eat beef, make it grass-fed.

I talked with Joel Salatin, self-proclaimed “soil farmer” and meat-eater, about these issues at Slow Money:


Chartporn! Water is a precious resource. Let’s act like it, shall we, before, like California, we have no choice.

A picture is worth 1000 words? A chart is worth 10,000—here’s 8 of ’em.

“When it comes to water use, not all food is created equal. Here’s how much water some of California’s major crops require.”

water food vegan

The best reason to go vegan?







World’s largest indoor farm in Japan is 100 times more productive than outdoor fields, uses 99% less water, 40% less power and creates 80% less food waste (weburbanist.com)


55% of drought stricken California’s water goes to 3 things: Almonds (10%), Alfalfa (15%) and Growing Animals for Food (30%). (slate.com)



California, before and after the drought (photos). 

For source.


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