June 5, 2015

The Phenomenon & Meaning of 11:11: The Twin Flame Connection.


I have always noticed repetitive number sequences that the universe presents to me.

When I was younger, I noticed them, but didn’t pay much attention to them. As I have gotten older and became more knowledgeable about synchronicity and the mystical elements of the universe, I am much more aware of them and the signs or lessons they represent in our lives.

“11:11 is the Universe knocking itself out to give you evidence of your alignment.” ~ Abraham Hicks

I have a double birthday (2-22), meaning that my birth month and day are all the same number. According to numerology, old souls frequently have birthdays with higher vibrations, such as double digits. It is also those same individuals who usually are more tuned into the messages the universe sends us through number sequences.

Every number sequence has a different meaning, and those may also differ slightly for us in our personal lives. The number sequence 11:11 is the most well-known and noticed sequence, appearing on clocks, license plates, and receipts. Many of us make wishes when we see this number but most don’t understand the importance of this number.

According to numerology the number 11 possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic and compassionate. Those people who are drawn to 11, operate on a different level of energy than most, and when two people come together who both have this type of energy it’s almost combustible. twin flame 3

11:11 is the universe’s way of urging us to pay attention to our heart, our soul and our inner intuition. It’s serving as a wake-up call to us so that opportunities are not missed in this lifetime. Seeing this particular sequence means that the universe is trying to have us open our eyes and begin paying more attention to the synchronicities around us.

Ever think about someone and suddenly they call or text? Or you see their name places, or meet people by the same name? Do you physically run into someone that has been running through your conscious or unconscious mind? These are not coincidences, but synchronicities.

The Universe tries to show us the way through small signs, but the trick is we have to be ready to listen to them.

Seeing 11:11 also is a sign of experiencing accelerated soul growth, which means that we may soon be finding ourselves living the life we had previously only thought about. Our inner world is changing and we may find people and events coming unexpectedly into our lives—but at just the right time.

Many of us sometimes believe we know better than the universe––but the universe won’t ever bring us anything we aren’t ready for, and the truth of it is, readiness is just an illusion anyway. No one can really ever be ready for anything. We only have to have faith that everything happens for a reason, and that it will all work out exactly as it is meant to.

11:11 is also the sign that our Twin Flame is or will be manifesting themselves in our lives. Twin Flames are an esoteric concept that describes a unique soul connection between two people. Twin Flames are considered to be an example of an eternal type of relationship between two lovers.

The thought behind Twin Flames versus Soul Mates, is that we are beginning a new era in human evolution where relationships will begin to highly enhance the spiritual growth between lovers. Our lovers won’t just be someone whom we love or who fits into our lives—they will be someone who makes us want to become a better person.

According to the mythology of Twin Flames, in the beginning of time we were created from one source of energy and that was split into smaller and smaller units until they were down to just two souls. These souls would journey to Earth to learn and experience duality and the lessons of life, and they would reincarnate over their lifetimes with this same intensifying longing for each other.

twin flame 2

Twin Flames are a higher frequency than just Soul Mates because they are the ultimate example of the Ying/Yang. They are each two whole individual souls on their own, but they complement, understand and connect in a very unique way. They are also called Tunnel Mates, because they emit the exact same frequency of vibration, which accounts for a strong feeling of energies when they are physically around one another.

If you’ve ever had someone in your life that you can’t quite describe the connection with, then there is a strong chance this person is your Twin Flame. When we meet our Twin Flame in our current life there will be a high level of comfort, intimacy, understanding of each other and a sense of peace—it’s the feeling of returning home.

Soul Mates can be brought into our lives in platonic friendships, or those who are meant to help change our lives––we may have 10 different soul mates we experience in this lifetime, but there is only ever one Twin Flame.

When we see 11:11 it means that our Twin Flame is ready to manifest itself physically in our lives. We may both be aware of the meeting of our energies that soon will take place—there is often the feeling that something is going to happen soon. We are becoming more aware of the subtle energies and invisible thread that connects us all. We may even experience non-physical guides helping to bring two Twin Flames together. These guides can be the universe, or even those souls who have left earth already.

The most important thing when we see 11:11 is to pay attention to the signs we are being given, our dreams that we are having and, of course, to always make a wish.





Twin Flame Soul Mates

Wikipedia—Twin Flames

Twin Flame Sacred Keys



Don’t Miss Your Soul Mate Flags.


BONUS: Enlighten your sex life:



Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Travis May

Photos: Wikipedia, Video Stills


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