August 22, 2015

5 Tips for a Healthy & Happy School Year.

back to school

School is just about to start!

The summer seemed to have flown by, and now we are preparing to send our two boys into the hectic world of school, homework, after school activities, and sports.

At a time of year where so much activity is happening keeping our children healthy and happy is so important, here are some of my quick tips for a healthy and happy start to the school year.

1. Breakfast, Breakfast, Breakfast.

I can not stress enough how important breakfast is, starting off the day with something nutritious is such an integral part of their day. My little ones love pancakes, omelettes, and fruit to begin their day.

2. Make time to relax after school, before homework, activities.

Kids today are so busy, they are multitasking at such a young age, that I think we need to remember they are just children. We need to make sure our kids have enough play in their day, and work not to over-task them.

3. Make learning a family event.

My son loves his homework because we make it about all of us—whatever he is learning we learn too. We find activities around our town to help him learn even more.

By being an active participant in his school, we are making it fun, not work.

4. Family dinner. 

This is rule #1 in our house, and stems from when I was a child, family dinners are so important, it is that one time during an all too often hectic day, where we all can relax, enjoy great food and really talk. Even if the meal itself is soup and sandwiches, it is the time together as a family that truly matters.

5. Sleep.

Sleep is so important our little ones need at least eight hours, and having a routine is a great way of making bedtime less of a struggle, we do baths, read, and then bed. We work to be sure all electronics are off at least an hour before bedtime, give your little ones time to just relax.


Enjoy the school year, how our kids will grow and change in the coming months is always such a journey for me, watching them embark on a new adventure is such a joy as a parent. I hope everyone has an amazing and healthy school year.





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Author: Michele Genzardi

Editor: Renée Picard 

Image: Emilien ETIENNE at Flickr 

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