October 1, 2015

Breaking: Mass Shooting at Community College in Oregon.

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Breaking news reports from Oregon earlier today described one of the largest scale shootings on American soil to date. Reports now state that 10 people are dead and dozens injured.

The shooting took place at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, 70 miles south of Eugene.

Sherrif John Handlin announced that the shooter was killed in a gunfire exchange with police.

President Obama addressed the nation from the White House about the tragedy at 6:30 p.m. Eastern time:




The Huffington Post reports: According to Everytown for Gun Safety, the incident is the 45th shooting at a school so far this year.

Lily Leiterman of Eugene, Oregon offered this response on Facebook earlier today:

We cannot keep thinking it won’t happen in our city, neighborhood or school. We cannot stand-by and wait for that moment to come before we stand up and proclaim “no more innocents will die.” Political wars over rights mean nothing in the face of senseless, devastating violence which erodes the possibility for all human rights to security, safety, psychological and physical well-being, and so on. Protecting our children and possibilities for their future are absolutely embedded in immediate actions to halt gun violence. This means sacrificing something for the greater good; Looking beyond the individual’s rights toward a common, shared and contemporary vision of societal justice, domestic tranquility, for ourselves and our posterity. “Blessings of Liberty” cannot be promoted when the people’s right to “domestic tranquility” and “common defense” are exploited and polluted by the incredible deafening and forever silencing crack of gun exploding into a crowd of unsuspecting innocents.

Early tweets described the tragedy as it developed:  

More details are available from the New York Times, here:

A 20-year-old gunman who entered a classroom building at a community college in Oregon killed numerous people, law enforcement officials said Thursday. The gunman is dead, the authorities said.  

A spokesman for Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum’s office said law enforcement officials had reported the death toll at 13.  

The first 911 calls reported shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., at 10:38 a.m., local officials said, and the college was locked down as several law enforcement agencies responded. Roseburg is about three hours south of Portland.  


\ Relephant:

I Am Tired of School Shootings. What’s it Gonna Take to Stop Them?


There Have Been 204 Mass Shootings in America in the Last 204 Days.


If Guns were as Regulated as Cars. {Infographic}


Mass Shootings, Mental Illness and the Problem of Human Suffering.

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