October 14, 2015

The Why & How of Awakening our Authentic Sensual Selves.

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There is but one temple in the universe, and that is the human body. When we lay our hands on the human body, we touch heaven, and we worship the godliness. ~ Vishwas

During the late 90s, I received a prestigious award in the field of knowledge management. I remember that day, it was a truly a reason for celebration and joy.

I did not celebrate, but rather I worried about my next professional assignment.

I realized in the pursuit of success that I had lost connection to myself.

I had become numb and insensitive to many pleasures and joys.

I had become somewhat machine-driven and followed others blindly, rather than using my consciousness. This was the net result of my unconscious rat race for success. It was affecting the quality of my life, and my ability to gain true success and attract abundance. I realized that losing connection with myself was largely due to the lack of really knowing myself. And this was why I did not allow myself to experience my sensuality.

Misconception about Success and Sensuality

A primary reason for my ignorance towards my sensuality was that I misunderstood sensuality as sensationalization (an act of exaggeration or overdoing). Because I was always busy thinking about the next professional assignment, I drifted away from being present in the moment. I thought that success and sensuality could not go hand and hand.
Later I learned that the jealousy, anger and hatred that I had been feeling, was because of the suppression of my sensuality, consequently, my sexual energy.

I was frustrated, so I blamed others for my failures. I picked up a habit of quitting without giving it my full effort.

That was when I realized that serious efforts were needed to regain the art of being sensual with myself and with my partner. I know I am not alone, and hope you can benefit from some of the things I have done to feel more connected to myself.

Awakened Sensuality

Later, I learned that the real quest of sustained and soulful success necessitated that we induce a sense of gratitude in every sensual experience. This helped me reopen the fountain of self-love. As I started paying attention to myself in a loving way, I started regaining strength to overcome hurdles that were in the way of me achieving true success.

Today I can say for sure that it was a moment of awakening sensuality within me. Because, as I understand it, awakened sensuality is a state where our whole body can explore intimacy with self and with others and can transform the creative (sexual) energy to achieve higher intentions. I can choose life-affirming ways to indulge and live an ecstatic orgasmic life. However, I must mention here that awakening sensuality is always a work in progress.

Awakened Sensuality and Success

I have come to believe that an awakened sensuality approach can be adopted to achieve all materialistic, emotional and spiritual intentions. Sensuality refers to experiencing pleasure through our senses. Sensuality is, in essence, how in tune you are with your senses.

Awakening this sensuality within us is an amazing and sacred experience of multi-sensory exploration of intimacy with you first and then with others. As we embark on this trip of sensuality with self, we elevate our respect and gratitude for our very existence and experience as a human. As a result, we empower our true self, enhancing our personal charisma, power, and potential. Therefore awakening our sensual self is not only important, but it has also become a necessity.

Benefits of Sensual Connection with Self

Connecting to your sensuality deepens a connection with self, leading to a feeling of rising in love with self. The outcome is an enhanced feeling of love, confidence, gratitude, joy, and bliss. I have experienced increased understanding of my true sexuality, and I am getting better and better at optimizing my sexual energy. Due to a refined inner play of yin and yang energies, I do experience an enhanced state of ecstasy. I am more focused on the present moment than I was before. I am more grounded and soulful in lovemaking.

Even during moments of crisis, I am relaxed, peaceful, and calm. With each passing day, I experience more passion, joy, creativity and compassion. A deeper connection with myself has helped me establish a more profound connection with others. It has enhanced my self-confidence and heightened my self-awareness with a deeper understanding of self, which has proven to be helpful in the process of self-transformation.

Ways to Awaken Sensuality

Whenever I describe the benefits of self-transformation, I am often asked how I rekindled my sensual experiences. I must caution you that awakening sensuality is not a magic wand. It is a process that you can begin at any stage. It has no end. It calls for an investment of time as well as willingness and practice to help awaken your sensuality.

Here are a Few Tips That Have Worked for Me:

Don’t condemn sensuality and don’t ignore it.

Believe that you are born sensual and that you can regain or rekindle your sensuality.

Know that you are a source of unlimited love and that your feelings of love are not dependent on others.

Slowing down the speed of your day-to-day life is the first step towards feeling your sensuality. Slow and deep breathing will help arouse cells in the body, making them more sensitive.

Be conscious in experiencing through the five senses—touch, taste, smell, seeing and listening. Your senses are a gateway to erotic and ecstatic experiences.

Treat your body like a temple. Play with it slowly and soulfully.

Use meditation to help you to get into your body.

Indulge in things that delight you. Pamper yourself at regular intervals. Allow yourself to feel pleasure through your senses.

Inculcate a sensual-ness in your gratitude. One of the best ways is to thank each and every organ or body part while you are in savasana. 

It is my experience that these are simple yet powerful steps to awakening our sensual self. As we are awakening our senses, we become alive in our body. This aliveness feeds our senses’ ability to expand fully to their total capacity. It is my experience that to embark on the journey of sensuality you need to challenge yourself, and remove the society imposed stigma about sensuality. Remember that sensuality is one of the greatest blessings to humanity. Sensuousness helps us to be sensitive, and sensitivity boosts our awareness. This self-awareness is crucial to living a life that is full of love, compassion, joy, bliss and success.

Let’s experience the true sensual beings that we are!



7 Ways to Awaken Your Sensual Self.


Author: Dr. Vishwas Chavan

Editor: Caitlin Oriel

Image: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain

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