October 21, 2015

Yoga for Weight & Loss.

Yes, I do mean “Yoga for Weight and Loss,” not just weight loss.

I couldn’t sleep last night.

I knew I was going to post this video. It was already scheduled to upload onto Youtube, but suddenly it didn’t vibe with how I was feeling or the message I wanted to send.

Honestly, I don’t care too much about pounds or weight or tight jeans. I mean, sometimes I do, but I don’t care about any of that right now. Even when I made the video, the focus wasn’t on getting a supermodel body; in fact, even when I made it, the focus was on comfort.

We all like to be comfortable, am I right? I’m wearing fluffy pajama pants as I write this, so comfort is a major part of my life.

And, underneath all of the fear and drive to lose weight, I believe that we are all striving for comfort anyways.

We want to feel comfortable in our favorite pair of jeans. We want to feel comfortable walking on the beach in a bathing suit. We want to feel confident and prepared and ready and loved, and we want to feel comfortable in our lives—in all areas of our lives.

And that comes from first being comfortable in our own skin.

How do we do that?

We move.

First, we get to know our bodies. We start to understand our needs, because what my body needs might not be what my neighbor’s body needs.

Second, we listen to those needs. We take note of our needs, our wants, our desires and our fears.

Third, we follow through. We act on what we hear, feel and see. We drink more water, take more walks or start taking naps.

This routine is called Weight Loss for Beginners, but it’s so much more than that.

It’s designed to help you make the choice to get off the couch (because that’s the biggest step) and move. When we move our bodies, we are literally breaking up stagnant energy that keeps us weighed down and stuck in old habits. By moving, we are able to break through the monkey mind and shut down the ego, because by working out externally we can tune in more internally.

I dare you to try this routine, to move and sweat and let go:

I did this routine myself when I couldn’t shut off my mind or turn off my worries. I recently lost someone in my family, and sometimes I get pulled down by all of these unanswered questions. That’s another kind of stuck. It’s another kind of bad habit.

This routine didn’t heal me. It’s not a miracle-cure. But, it did help me focus on the present moment instead of getting lost in the chaos my mind was trying to create inside me.

So use this routine for weight.

Use this routine to lose the chaos.

Use this routine for whatever you need. I hope it helps you and serves you and inspires you to move your body and start loving yourself.



Relephant Read:

Weight a Minute: Using Yoga to Love Instead of Judge.


Author: Stacy Porter

Editor: Toby Israel

Photos: Author’s Own


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