November 17, 2015

How the Saturn Neptune Challenge will Shake up our Idea of Perfection.

change mind

*Eleditor’s note: Astrology isn’t a religion. We’re not sure it’s a science, either. It’s magic, maybe. But, as with feng shui, say, things affect things. So as long as we don’t go blaming our problems on the stars, as long as we assume responsibility for our own actions…well, hell, a little auspicious coincidence and applicable wisdom can’t hurt. And so, with that grain of salt…enjoy!

It may be time for a change in our current reality.

The next major planetary shift is in motion and this one entails having to look at things a little differently than before.

I want to break it down in an easy way because what’s happening is already in play if we tune into it.

We’ve all got a vision or idea, as well as a plan to bring it to life. It’s the way things are supposed to look and by golly we’re going to get it. We deserve it—don’t we?

However, the thing that can mess us up the most is that “perfect picture” of how things are supposed to be.

Many of us can probably relate to feeling disappointed. We feel disappointed when we suddenly realize the picture we were imagining isn’t the way things really are.

Some of us may even be currently experiencing these feelings—given the planetary influences in motion.

Of course, everyone’s idea of “perfect” is a little different.

For some it might be the white picket fence surrounding the perfect house.

Then there’s the perfect relationship, where we feel bliss and excitement Every. Single. Day!

The perfect wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend who can read our mind and always saves the day.

The perfect kid, who does everything right.

The perfect job, which we’re paid handsomely to do.

The perfect looking person, whose appearance is always flawless and looks ever so amazing.

In some facet of our lives, we’ve likely got that perfect picture vision.

Somewhere deep inside of all of us, is the idea of perfection and we all crave it.

When we get caught up in this idealism and perfect vision—Neptune is affecting us.

Now of course, we all know that perfect is never really reality. When our perfect vision starts changing, we’re suddenly tossed into a new environment that requires change. Fear, uncertainty, anxiety and worry all come along for the ride, because what are we going to do now that things aren’t so perfect?

That perfect house? Well we might see many unattractive things, once we walk through the door.

That perfect relationship or perfect partner? Sorry Charlie—all relationships need work after a while and everyone involved sheds some tears and goes through the ups, downs and all-arounds.

That perfect kid? Probably not. Most honest parents will tell you their kid’s amazing but certainly not perfect.

The perfect job? Sorry guys, that isn’t happening either. Work is work and that’s why we get paid to do it.

That perfect looking person? Umm, probably not. Images can be airbrushed and video can be edited. There’s more to that perfect person that meets the eye.

This influence—the one that pops our perfect bubble and brings us back down to reality—is Saturn talking.

Which brings me back to the here and the now. These two planets, Neptune (the idea of perfection) and Saturn (the reality enforcer) are about to get caught up in a rather challenging debate.

In astrological jargon, it’ll be referred to as the Saturn Neptune Square. However, I think it’s easier to keep it simple and toss aside the technicalities. I find that many of us can easily get lost in the terminology.

At the end of the day, all that really matters is the way the Saturn Neptune Square influence us.

Neptune is going to be shouting out his idea of perfect. He wants that perfect picture. He’s the planet of illusion and fantasy and has all these ideas whirling through his head about how grand things are going to be.

Saturn, a completely different type of energy, is going to be wagging his little finger saying “yeah right.” His influence is going to be shouting “time to throw a little reality back into the mix.”

The first wave of Neptune and Saturn’s challenge will peak on November 26th, 2015.

There will be two more passes in 2016, but the first wave is likely the most eye opening.

Of course, the question I hear whirling through people’s minds right about now is, “how will this affect me?”

The truth of the matter is, something may be hidden from our vision. We are wearing a blindfold of some sort and the time is coming where it’s necessary to take it off. The probability of a new reality is approaching quickly. Some new truths may start revealing themselves and a cloak of denial will need to come off.

People’s true motives and intentions may become more clear than ever. During this process, our wants and needs may be up for some change.

The wheels in our mind will begin turning like gears on a bicycle. We’ll begin thinking and trying to logically define our new way through this “not so perfect” terrain. Of course it’s important to remember that our thoughts can most often be our worst enemy. We may be thinking this new reality is absolutely horrible, but others may see it differently. Maybe it’s not quite as bad as we think.

While it may be hard to find balance as we see our way through this new picture—it is possible to become comfortable again.

Here are a few Neptune/Saturn challenge tips on how to see our way through this not-so-perfect terrain:

1. Being open to the idea of the not so perfect is a good way to start. That picture was perfect, but there’s a new kind of perfect taking root now.

2. Finding (or at least beginning to think about) new ways to change our approach can also be beneficial. It’s a lot easier for us to change our behavior, rather than forcing someone else to change theirs.

3. Making the decision to stop giving away our power to the people who don’t deserve it, is another way to make good use of this energy. This is a planetary influence that will be testing our boundaries as well as the ability to maintain them.

4. Follow our intuition (Neptune) rather than the conventional (Saturn). Beautiful things can come in not so beautiful packages.

5. Sharpen our power of belief and have some faith that the chips will fall exactly as they should. There’s a bigger picture in play and this new reality or picture we’re embarking upon will eventually benefit us for some reason.

6. My final tip is probably a little unconventional for an astrologer. Stay in the present moment, rather than forecast too far out. I’m all about the future, but I’m more aware of the present. We can’t get to the future without acknowledging where we are today.

This quote wraps up the Saturn Neptune influence beautifully:

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” ~ Sam Keen

Get ready to take off the rose colored shades. Whether you realize it or not, a new wave of change is approaching and many of us are in the midst of it already.



Author: Crystal B.

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: flickr/Sarah

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