December 12, 2015

5 Cheryl Strayed Quotes for Courage in Dark Times.

Joshua Earle/Unsplash

When I saw Cheryl Strayed had a new book out, I went right to the store and bought it.

I didn’t know what it was, but I knew I had to have it because her wisdom always hits me right in the gut—call me weird, but I actually love that feeling of truth being shoved down my throat.

The book is called Brave Enough and it is a selection of her best quotes.

And she has some great quotes.

Strayed’s power in is her succinctness. In a few words she says it all, and she doesn’t back down until you get that you are the only one who can live your life, so you better do it with love and courage because that is the only choice.

We all need to hear that often.

In many ways, we all wish there was another choice other then being brave and loving.

We wish we could huddle in the corner, blanket over our heads, only caring about ourselves in a kind of mediocre manner and hope that without giving it all somehow it will all miraculously work out.

This is what I love about Strayed’s guidance: she does tell us it will miraculously work out, but not without bravado, guts and completely showing up for ourselves.

Here are five of my favorite quotes from the new book that sucker-punched me with clarity and awareness.


“Trust that all you’ve learned was worth learning, no matter what answer you have or do not have about what practical use it has in your life. Let whatever mysterious starlight that guided you this far guide you onward into the crazy beauty that awaits.”

“Love is our essential nutrient. Without it, life has little meaning. It’s the best thing we have to give and the most valuable thing we receive. It’s worthy of all the hullabaloo.”

“Desperation is unsustainable.”

“Don’t surrender all your joy for an idea you used to have about yourself that isn’t true anymore.”

“The particularity of our problems can be made bearable only through the recognition of our universal humanity. We suffer uniquely, but we survive the same way.”


Thanks Cheryl for the great guidance. Check out the entire book for more wise words.




Relephant Read: 

A Tiny Mantra to Lighten Any Day.

8 Eckhart Tolle Quotes to Ease Emotional Suffering.

10 Powerful Quotes to Read When We’re Feeling Stuck.

Relephant bonus: 



Author: Ruth Lera 

Editor: Renée Picard

Image: Joshua Earle/Unsplash 

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