December 8, 2015

Final New Moon of 2015: The Ultimate Dare from the Universe.

new moon

*Eleditor’s note: Astrology isn’t a religion. We’re not sure it’s a science, either. It’s magic, maybe. But, as with feng shui, say, things affect things. So as long as we don’t go blaming our problems on the stars, as long as we assume responsibility for our own actions…well, hell, a little auspicious coincidence and applicable wisdom can’t hurt. And so, with that grain of salt…enjoy!

“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.” ~ Pema Chodron

On Friday, December 11th the last new moon of 2015 will be in the sign of Sagittarius and it will be daring us to leave the past behind, once and for all.

In numerology, 11 is one of two master numbers—and it is the sign of new beginnings.

But before we can have a new beginning—we have to make the choice to say goodbye.

Ever since the Uranus Pluto square, in March, we have seen the breakdown of our previously known lives.

What seemed like a guarantee in the spring, now seems to be nothing but a stepping stone to the present moment.

The relationships, friendships and careers that were not serving our highest evolution, have since crumbled and disappeared into past.

To say that it has been a difficult year is an understatement.

We’ve been pushed and pulled, even if we have tried to firmly plant our feet and refuse to go with the flow.

But there are still lingering questions and situations that keep begging for our attention and this moon is going to be daring us to take them on, once and for all.

We had our first glimpse of what 2016 may hold for us on November 27th when the Saturn Neptune square was in the signs of Pisces and Sagittarius—the proverbial boat was not only rocked, but capsized.

This square was about showing us that the things we once thought impossible are actually real, and that if we are brave enough to take a chance, the universe will be gifting us a hefty reward.

Anything that had been building came to a head at that time, but it was only the beginning of what is to come. This is one influence of December’s new moon.

On December 5th Venus, the planet of love, entered Scorpio, the sign of passion and desire, which will be turning up the flames for all of us, just in time for 2015’s last new moon.

This aspect with Venus, will be in play until the end of the month, which will be fueling any inner desires that may have been squashed or ignored.

It is the ultimate come hither look, but with Saturn and Neptune together, it’s not just making promises, but delivering.

This isn’t only about the fantasy—but about the beauty in the freedom to design our own reality.

We may also feel a throwback to what was happening in our lives during the fall of 2012.

Situations are about to start making sense, but only if we are finally ready to absorb the lessons that have been trying to write a new storyline for each of us.

There have been many ups and downs over the course of the last three years, numerous times of coming together and falling apart—because sometimes the road we need to travel isn’t the easiest one.

And so, we find ourselves here at a crossroads—deciding whether to do what we always have or taking the chance to do things differently.

Sagittarius is one of the most freedom loving signs and on this new moon we will all be feeling the pull toward the things that liberate us from the dire confinement of other’s expectations.

We may even find ourselves saying, “f*ck it—why not?”

This is the power Sagittarius has over us.

Unlike other signs, Sagittarius has no problem making a decision and if they realize it was a wrong one, they also have no problem in correcting their course immediately.

We are all being given a triple-dog-dare from the universe to leave behind our past, once and for all, and to finally step into the future, that has been waiting for us all along.

This is about forgiving ourselves and whatever choices we had to make over the course of the last year.

It’s about knowing that sometimes we have to hurt those we love the most, so that we can learn to love ourselves.

It’s understanding that timing makes all the difference and that certain situations just need to brew a little longer before they are ready.

This new moon is not promising to be an easy one.

It’s going to be challenging, life changing and upsetting the status quo.

There will be passion, desire, forgiveness, possibly even rage from those who are left behind as we step forward.

But, it is all necessary.

We can’t live a life that others approve of if it leaves us feeling empty.

No matter how hard or long we try to deny what is written on our soul or calls to our heart—eventually we face the choice of following our heart, to see what happens or to swallow it down and suppress the very things that make us feel the most alive.

It’s not about making others happy or painting a pretty picture, so that we fit neatly into a box of acceptance.

This whole year has been about becoming who we are, so that we can finally live the life we are meant to.

A life that doesn’t just appeal to others from the outside, but one that sets our soul on fire from the inside.

It’s about giving up the belief that we have to color within the lines and realizing that the most beautiful masterpieces are those that drip off the canvas in glorious passion.

And now this new moon is daring us to go after it.

We are being dared to follow our crazy nonsensical hearts—to follow whatever makes us happy, breathlessly laughing uncontrollably at how beautiful life can be when we give ourselves free permission to make it up as we go along.

We are being dared to follow our own path rather than that of others.

It’s about ending the battle of this is what “I should be doing” and, instead, embracing the beauty of this is what “I want.”

It’s about making the choice to finally, just do it already.



How the Saturn Neptune Challenge will Shake up our Idea of Perfection.

Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: flickr/Adnan Islam

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