December 16, 2015

He is the Wrong Man for You.

WikiMedia Commons

Let’s lay our cards on the table.

We can lie to the whole wide world but we can never lie to ourselves.

If you keep fighting for his attention and you keep demanding to come first in his life, he’s the wrong man for you.

If he never admits he is wrong and consistently runs away when you confront him about his sh*t, he is the wrong man for you.

If he is never around when you need him, he is the wrong man for you.

If he keeps on building walls but never bridges to keep you, he is the wrong man for you.

If he’s only good at talking sweet words but never good at taking action, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t appreciate what you do and fully support you in it—verbally and physically—he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t compromise and move mountains for you, he is the wrong man for you.

If he constantly puts you in competition with other women, thoroughly shaking your self confidence, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t look at your body as if it is a sculpture of the likes of Michelangelo, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t kiss you good night and good morning and make you feel as if you own the world, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t eat your bad meals he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t make love to your soul but only to your body, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t cry with you and laugh with you, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t respect you or respect what you want, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t listen to you, your needs or your words, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t physically compliment you even in your worst conditions, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t stargaze with you, watch sunsets with you and the ponder the majesties of the universe with you, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t touch every corner in your body and worship it, he is the wrong man for you.

If your trust for him is shaken because of him and you constantly keep on fighting to rebuild it, he is the wrong man for you.

If he never kisses you on your forehead, he is the wrong man for you.

If he makes you cry more than he makes you laugh, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t hold your hand, grab your waist, and cover your shoulders with his arms, he is the wrong man for you.

If he is controlling you, invading your privacy and restraining you from becoming the best of you, he is the wrong man for you.

If you’re losing yourself, your lifestyle and who you truly are because of him, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t take care of you when you’re sick, he is the wrong man for you.

If he never keeps his promises or his word to you, he is the wrong man for you.

If he takes your emotions for granted, he is the wrong man for you.

If he is not honest and never allows you to gain access to his personal life, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t stare at you and look at you like you are a Da Vinci painting, he is the wrong man for you.

If he is too self-centered and only talks about himself, he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t smell your neck, or sink his nose in the sea of your hair, he is the wrong man for you.

If he drains your energy—mentally and emotionally—he is the wrong man for you.

If he doesn’t virtually take you to the moon and back, he is the wrong man for you.

If he f*cks you, but never makes love to you, he is the wrong man for you.

If he keeps telling you that he is the right man for you but never proves it, he is the wrong man for you.

If your gut is telling you that he’s the wrong man for you, then he is the wrong man for you.



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Author: Elyane Youssef

Editor: Caitlin Oriel

Image: Ion Chibzii/Wikimedia Commons / Unsplash 

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