January 27, 2016

Are You Scared to Open Up to Infinite Potential?


I am.

I mean it: I really am.

This is because what I know well is the confines of the mind, and infinite potential is the exact opposite of these confines, and it is so easy to be scared of that in which we don’t know.

I know what I think I want, I know where I think I am, I know what I think happened in the past and I know what I think is going to happen in the future.

This is what I think I know.

This feels safe, because it feels known, but it is an illusion, and that is why in fact I don’t feel safe. Instead I feel stressed, worried and unsure.

Perhaps, the confines of the mind aren’t as useful as we think.

What I feel with every cell in my body is the possibility that anything can happen in any moment, and that this anything is beyond what I could possibly imagine. This anything is awestruck wonder that could be at my fingertips every second of everyday, if I was to open to it.

But this sense of infinite possibility, for some reason, is the rare miracle and the confines of the mind is the normal everyday.

Why do we live this way?

I have so much respect for the mind. It wants to keep us safe, and the only tools it has at its disposal to do this job are the concepts it has been exposed to in the past.

The mind only has what it knows to go on.

This is why we all have such a sense of wanting to “decide” what is going to happen to us in the future.

We want to plan and choose and figure it all out.

This feels safe, but in fact it is stressing the hell out of all of us.

Infinite potential is the knowledge that we are more powerful then we can even imagine and that miracles are actually the norm.

Thinking that we know anything doesn’t actually give us a clue what is going to happen later today, this week or in our life in general. This is the biggest illusion there is.

How does it feel in your body when you hear this?

For many of us the sensation is fear.

What if we don’t like what infinite potential brings us?

No, we don’t want infinite potential, we want to choose with our individual mind exactly what is going to happen so it can all work out the way we want it to. This is what our fragile, scared, innocent selves really want, to be in control. But all we have to ask ourselves is, has it ever worked out that way?

Do we get to decide when our hearts get fulfilled and when they get broken?

Do we get to decide when we are in awe and when we just can’t take it anymore?

Infinite potential is playing out around us, all the time, and mostly we are missing it. We are so busy thinking about what we should do, we are missing what is actually happening. We are missing the oxygen moving in and out of our cells; we are missing the trees nourishing our every moment; we are missing the moon lighting up our nights.

We are missing all of this in our attempt to control what is going to happen to us, but this control is coming from a very limited place. It is coming from a mind that is sure we will never have enough money, time or love to do what we want. It is coming from a mind trying to scrimp, save and shove some fulfillment into a fear confined space as small as the mind.

We need to move beyond the mind. We need to viscerally embrace the body, the aura and the infinite energy field that connects all. This is how we logistically connect with infinite potential, we send our attention beyond the mind.

This seems scary but it is actually very freeing.

Just think of all the thoughts we each think that we are ashamed of. What if these thoughts aren’t even us? This shame could dissolve as fast as the thought dissolves, and this can help us begin to live in a way that embraces infinite potential by bringing our attention beyond the five same thoughts we have all been having for at least the last decade.

Come into the infinite potential, it is held in the womb of this moment, right here, exactly as we are.



Author: Ruth Lera

Editor: Travis May

Image: Flickr/Hartwig HKD

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