My husband and I suffered a miscarriage last year that left us shattered.
What was more difficult, was the fact that people did not talk about this, or were very uncomfortable talking about it. It feels like a taboo subject, which is so wrong and completely alienating for those who are in the thick of it. So I wanted to share this poem, in the hope that it touches someone, gives an insight into how it feels when it happens to you. In the hope that we can help make this topic more acceptable to talk about, which can only help us all heal in the long run.
Time, they say, is a great healer
That’s no good when time goes on forever
Stuck in limbo, an emotional no-man’s land
Fighting back tears, anger always at hand
Patience, I am told, is a great virtue
Whatever, I say, life didn’t break you
Alone in grief, all-consumed by loss
Life has no meaning, couldn’t give a toss
The loss of a lover is hard enough
Try loosing a child when your up the duff
Flippant (I’m not) I can hear you sneer
Just part of the grieving process, my dear
An emotional merry-go-round roller coaster
Hormones raging, like a cyclone twister
So lost in the abyss, with no lifeline in sight
Trying so hard not to give up the fight
Being out of control is an understatement
Pecker up ladies, you’re part of the “40 percent”
No comfort to gain from hearing this fact
Our baby has gone and is not coming back
On the brink of tears 24/7
The only comfort is that my baby’s in heaven
Always thought I was strong, made of sterner stuff
But I’m weak. and buckled and hollow, not tough
The fight must go on as there’s always hope
If this happens again I don’t know how we’ll cope
“Give it one more try” the midwifes urge
It’s a waiting game for my hormones to surge
And surge they do, we keep everything crossed
Hoping my heart will know how to defrost
From its icy graveyard, where no children smile
The worry begins, it’ll be here for a while
Author: Vicky Paul
Editor: Jean Weiss
Photo: Konstantinos Koukopoulos
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