April 26, 2016

A woman behind every good article you’ve read on ele that’s made a difference in your life over the past few years.

Emily Bartran Managing Editor

Please join me in wishing Emily Bartran a cheerful birthday and thanks for helping elephant to be a mindful, quality offering to this crazy sad fun world of ours:

One of her early best articles: 

Thoughts On Letting Go, From Someone Who Holds On. ~ Emily Bartran

Another Bartranaclassic:

Touch Me There. ~ Emily Bartran {Poem}


The Things I’d Actually like to Talk with You About Over Drinks.


More hard news for little huge elephant (this news we’ve known about for awhile): Emily Bartran, the Managing Editor of our mission-driven indie publication, is leaving us this summer to shove off to the shores of academia.

Today is her 24th birthday—we hired her as an Apprentice in our Academy program straight out of college in Vermont a few years back, and despite her age (or because of it…) she rapidly accepted a great deal of responsibility, and earned it through her insight, caring, and mindful diligence.

To the biggest sweetest brightest mind and heart I’ve been honored to work with this lifetime—Emily—cheerful birthday, and may whatever you do be of real, fun, necessary benefit.

Cheerful 24th! You’re all growns up!

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