October 25, 2016

New Moon in Scorpio: Only those who Believe in Magic will Find It.


*Eleditor’s note: Astrology isn’t a religion. We’re not sure it’s a science, either. It’s magic, maybe. But, as with feng shui, say, things affect things. So as long as we don’t go blaming our problems on the stars, as long as we assume responsibility for our own actions…well, hell, a little auspicious coincidence and applicable wisdom can’t hurt. And so, with that grain of salt…enjoy!


“And above all watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” ~ Roald Dahl

On Sunday, October 30th there will be a magical new moon in Scorpio.

Scorpio is the sign of passion and desire. It’s perfect timing to determine what our hearts want and then relentlessly pursuing it.

This year, the new moon is close to Samhain, the ancient Celtic celebration of marking the half way point between the light and the dark of seasons, summer and winter. It is also the time when the veil between the living and dead is most thin, allowing spirits to travel from one dimension to the next.

There is magic brewing.

New moon is always a time when something is itching to start anew.

Our inner divine light and that of the divine being we believe in wants us to follow our own path to happiness, satisfaction and love, yet sometimes we aren’t yet ready to do it.

September rocked us to the core with the torrent of eclipses that we felt in every aspect of our lives. I was hoping that October would be more calm, but sometimes we need chaos before we are able to feel peace.

October feels different than September did, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we currently want what we have. Sometimes although the sea appears calm, the currents are torn beneath the tranquil surface—this is what is October has been for us.

It appears that nothing has changed, but all the while, everything has.

Change happens slowly, in a million moments that look similar until suddenly everything has changed. We’ve been experiencing exponential growth this year. There has been no such thing as slowing down or taking it easy on ourselves—and there most certainly has been no hiding.

All the events of this year have been in preparation for the final few months of the year when we will finally start to put the puzzle together and see what has been right in front of us all along.

Because Scorpio is the sign of soulmates, this moon will be the red thread between souls—pulling each closer to the other until that space between disappears with a flash of passion and honesty.

It doesn’t matter if we call the one we love our soulmate or twin flame, because the name of our connection really doesn’t matter. The feelings between two people becomes their bond.

Love exists.

That crazy, never-felt-before feeling, the magic, passion and deep connection does exist, but only for those who are brave enough to believe in it.

It exists for those who have the courage to find it, and then hang onto it.

However, sometimes this amazing love comes with some thorns as well. Often times our beloved will reflect back our greatest fears, challenging us to grow, inspiring us to see who we really are and ask ourselves what place we want to occupy in this world.

It’s not easy looking into a mirror and seeing who we truly are.

And though there may be challenges ahead, the worst is over. We have gazed into their mirror, taken a leap of faith and seen what is truly there. Now the only thing left to do is decide what to do with what we’ve learned.

What once seemed terrifying and impossible now seems exhilarating and within reach.

All of this is only occurring because we have done the work. We invested time to grow, and to see the meaning behind events. We have chosen to take off our rose colored glasses and blinders that kept us from living an authentic life, and we’ve learned gradually that reality can be even better than the illusion of perfection.

During this new moon we will feel a pull toward the person our soul is on fire for. We’ll begin to feel the fog clear from our hearts and see both where we want the path that leads there.

It may have been a long, strange trip, but now we see that everything happened exactly the way it did to help us become the people we are now.

No one loves the same, but truthfully we all want to be loved for who we are—this is when the magic really starts to sparkle and burn between two people.

We want someone to be able to stand in the brightness of our light and not become scared away; we desire another to look at our darkness and hand us a candle so that we will be able to see ourselves.

We will receive what we believe we are worthy of.

At one time it was scary to envision getting precisely what it is we want—but that time is passed because we’ve finally arrived at the place where we know what we deserve.

We know what kind of love is possible and this time we aren’t going to let anything stand in the way of getting exactly what we want.

Because we’ve finally learned what love truly is.



Magic tumbled from her pretty lips and when she spoke the language of the universe—the stars sighed in unison.

~ Michael Faudet


Enhance October’s New Moon with this Creative Ritual & Tapping Meditation.

15 Quotes to to give us Courage to Achieve our Dreams.


Author: Kate Rose

Image: Deviantart/Osaki-Kun

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock



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