November 14, 2016

Super Full Blood Moon in Taurus.


Full moons are a time for illumination; a time when a light is shed upon all those thoughts and feelings we have suppressed or ignored.

With the sun in Scorpio, the sign of depth and intimacy, we may be faced with many issues and themes around self-love, acceptance, relationships, illusion, deception & worn-out behavior patterns.

Yet—even with all of this digging deep into Scorpio—we have our moon in Taurus.

A feminine, stable, honest, grounded sign.

We are craving more stability, deeper connections, and authentic conversations with people who help us in our growth instead of stifling our basically good nature.

But there are no rewards without tests to make them valuable.

It’s so easy to keep playing out the same patterns of behavior; as it’s often said we tend to repeat the same types of relationships with different people, until we have absorbed the necessary lessons and are ready for the next level.

The relationships we go into are mirrors for how we feel about ourselves; so if we are with someone and find issues of worth, dissatisfaction, drama, dishonesty or chaos then that is because it is how we see ourselves, it’s what we think we deserve.

The bittersweet irony is that making choices to pursue a healthy relationship is much more difficult because we then have to step up: our same old bullshit story lines just won’t work this time.

Enter Scorpio and Taurus.

Go deep, don’t be afraid of what you’ll find, take risks on the unknown and speak from your heart. Break free from those situations or unions that don’t inspire you or ask you to become your highest self; have the courage to make choices that you feel deep in your soul instead of those that pacify society.

And when it’s all said and done, Taurus will be there on stable ground, encouraging you to take your time and letting you build this new life in your own way giving you the freedom to stretch your wings and go after what you truly deserve.

The reality is the answers to whatever truths you’re battling with inside are already there…

…The question is, are you ready to see them?

Mindful more:

Full Moon Manifestation Ritual.

Supermoon November 14th: The Largest Moon in our Lifetime & the Leonid Meteor Showers.


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