December 25, 2016

Cheerful Christmas from David Bowie and Bing Crosby. {Video}

David Bowie was one of my favorite musicians in the 80s.

My brother and sister and I would crank our David Bowie records and take turns dancing on the coffee table, showing off our latest moves.

The first thing I did when I heard of Bowie’s death in January, was call my sister. Reminiscing about the David Bowie days felt especially good because of all the fun times we’d shared back then.

Today a friend of mine showed me this old Merry Christmas music video with David Bowie and Bing Crosby. I can’t believe it was the first time I’d ever seen it.

I have to admit that I have been feeling quite Grinchy this Christmas season, but this rendition of Little Drummer Boy instantly brightened my perspective.

Thank you Bowie and Bing.

Cheerful Christmas from David Bowie and Bing Crobsy.


Author: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Image: wikipedia commons/ wikimedia commons

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