December 1, 2016

It Doesn’t Matter where we Eat, so Long as we’re Together. {Poem}

Flickr/Fovea Centralis

Him asking you to come along on his business trip to La Jolla

even though it’s a quick out and back

but he doesn’t want to be away from you.


Him eating a three eggs and three strips of bacon breakfast with you

because you’re on a Keto diet and

he’d said, “It wouldn’t be sociable” for him to not go on the same diet too.


The two of you walking to the beach

to watch the surfers catch a few waves

and you remembering about growing up

in a beach town in Southern California.


You telling him about 1950s two-piece bathing suits that raised eyebrows,

the surfers shouting hang ten,” to each other

the boys with flat top haircuts and zinc oxide on their noses,  the “Woodie” station wagons with surf boards strapped on their sides

and him singing “I Wish They All Could Be California Girls” in the car on the way back to the hotel.


The two of you having a “nap” in your hotel room

with the shutters closed and

the air conditioner turned on so nobody can hear.


Eating happy-hour food at a beachy restaurant filled with beachy people and

young women bartenders who

flip their long blonde hair away from their sun-tanned shoulders and

lean their sun-tanned chests across the bar when they bring your beer.


The two of you having a first class lunch the next day

in a first class hotel

with floor to ceiling windows

overlooking a world class beach strand filled with kids on bikes,

tottering grandmas and grandpas wearing huge dark sunglasses,

young women carrying surfboards,

young men in wet-suits, and

the sparkling California sky, water and sand everywhere.


You suggesting later that

“There’s so much traffic,

why don’t we just walk down the block

to the place we had dinner in the night before?”


And him, leaning down and whispering in your ear,

“It doesn’t matter where we eat, honey,

so long as we’re together.”


“Companionship is lasting, and if it is coupled with sexual desire, it can be an experience that goes far beyond erotica, into a true state of enlightened sexual satisfaction.” ~ Leo Buscaglia 



Author: Carmelene Siani

Photo: Flickr/Fovea Centralis

Editors: Alicia Wozniak // Yoli Ramazzina

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