January 22, 2017

These Three Minutes from the Women’s March are Why I Won’t Give up Hope.

Estamos juntas, reconociendo que defender la más marginada entre nosotras defiende todos nosotros #WomensMarch

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The future is female—and thankfully, full of faith.

While watching live coverage of the Women’s March on Washington, I was brought to tears by my new (s)hero.

Sophie Cruz, the 6-year-old girl who made headlines in 2015 for handing the Pope a heart-felt letter about immigration reform, walked out on stage with her family—who are undocumented immigrants from Mexico—to share one of the most profound messages of the day.

Speaking in both English and Spanish, Sophie did in three minutes what our current president hasn’t been able to do, well…ever.

She united Americans, undocumented and documented alike.

She spoke of the importance of protecting families.

She vowed to fight with love.

As the multi-ethnic daughter of a Puerto Rican mother and a Puerto Rican and West Indian father, I became emotional watching a little girl who looks like me, who speaks the language I grew up hearing and who was raised, like me, to be a fighter, standing in front of millions, speaking her truth.

She is the reason I know that we—those who believe in equality and freedom and basic human decency—will not only survive, but thrive during these difficult times.

Thank you Sophie, and yes—si, se puede!


Watch her inspiring speech below:



Author: Nicole Cameron

Image: @womensmarch on Instagram; YouTube

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