February 19, 2017

Moms: It’s Time to be Selfish.

How does a parent—especially a mother—justify taking time away from their family to do something completely indulgent and self-aggrandizing, like working out, reading a book in one sitting or just being alone?

Why is taking time for oneself considered abhorrent and selfish in this society? It may be due to unattainable expectations put on parents—both moms and dads—and the shame that goes along with failing to live up to what we erroneously think is the standard. Author Brene Brown described this situation perfectly when she said, “Shame is the most powerful emotion. It’s the fear that we’re not good enough.”

This is how I lived for a long time when I first became a mother. I remember feeling this overwhelming weight of responsibility, and it terrified me. How would I ever be enough for this little person? How could I show him the way when I barely knew what I was doing?

These feelings of shame came to a head one night as I was giving my son a bath, and I just started to cry. I felt like I wasn’t doing enough or being enough for him. I couldn’t understand why he’d cried for four hours that day or refused to eat everything I offered him.

I was failing. It was a false story playing over and over in my head, brought on by fear and shame.

Fortunately, the best way to break the perpetual cycle of outlandish expectations and subsequent self-shaming is to bring it into the light. I started talking to my husband, other moms and co-workers about how I was feeling. I hated being vulnerable and showing weakness, but I couldn’t carry the burden of my critical thoughts alone anymore. It was a sink or swim moment, and I had to survive.

I was amazed at the response I received. More often than not, the moms mirrored exactly how I was feeling. They told me about situations where they had felt “less than” or had messed up, and it enabled us to laugh and revel in the mutual suffering of early motherhood.

In hearing their stories and sharing my experience, I realized I wasn’t alone. Everyone had these feelings, especially the new mothers. Through those simple—albeit vulnerable—conversations, I had been thrown a lifeline, and I realized I had been thinking about my role and responsibility as a mother all wrong.

Once I realized that my experience wasn’t unique, I could relax. I started to make self-care a priority in my life. I realized how damaging my casual relationship with exercise and healthy food was since having my son, and I made a conscious decision to make health and self-respect the priority.

Now I tell all my friends who are expecting—and even those who aren’t—that when you have children, it is even more important to take care of yourself. The emphasis you place on your own physical, mental and spiritual well-being directly impacts your children.

As parents, we are the first example of how a healthy, happy human should exist in the world, and owe it to them (and ourselves) to be an example of self-love, so that they can embody that mindset too.

Five years after that first tearful session with my son looking up at me from the bath, healthy habits have developed into a mindset and way of being. I’ve realized how important my health and sanity are for my family, and I’d never fall back into that role of martyr and self-doubter. I’d be selfish and carve out time for myself to work-out, read, meditate and just be without feeling guilty or shameful about it. Then I would return to the fold, rejuvenated, re-energized and truly present.

I brought the breath of fresh air I’d just received into every action and conversation with the boys, and my happiness was contagious. They benefited directly from the space I had taken for myself and learned that it’s normal for mom to not always be immediately available for every need they have.

My relationship with my husband has grown stronger too, as I rely on him to help provide me the ability to take care of myself, while not having to worry about the boys. And I do the same for him when he needs space. His choices for self-care include ice hockey, cooking unobstructed or just listening to music.

It may seem like a tall order at first to make the switch, but I have found that if we’re consistent in our healthy habits, we really will become what we practice.

My husband loves to say that personal growth is the hardest thing anyone can do—and I agree. To truly change and elevate yourself to a higher level, it takes a breach from hardwired, second-nature tendencies, and such a deviation takes serious dedication.

But you’ll see, as I did, that your selfishness is for the good of the entire family—and if you are consistent in your efforts of self-care, positive life changes can (and will) happen, and your family will thank you.



Author: Lizzie Carlile

Image: Pixabay

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

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