February 19, 2017

Six Ways Jyotish Astrology leads us to our Life Path.

Whether Astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


*Vedic Astrology, or Jyotish, is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and considered a relative of astronomy. It is an important and valuable part of the ancient Vedic texts. This complex, logic-based and also intuitive science, has survived thousands of years in India’s Vedic tradition and is still considered a highly valuable tool for guidance and life insight. It is not a religion, but rather a philosophical understanding of human and cosmic existence. In Sanskrit, Jyoti means light. Essentially, the study of Jyotish is the study of light and how we interact with the cosmic light—within us and within the cosmos. Vedic astrology, or the sidereal approach to astrology, casts charts differently than Western or tropical astrology. The meanings, implications, and purpose of Jyotish are, therefore, different, as are the details used for prediction and the indications given below.



I use Jyotish as a resource for self-discovery and awakening.

I’m truly passionate about making sure that the wisdom of Jyotish is maintained through sattvapurity.

As my guru, Maharishi, once said, “Always speak the sweet truth.” Unlike most Jyotishis who just tell us what they see in our chart, then give us few tools for lasting change or healing, I actively support my students and clients to make changes in their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

I believe strongly that Jyotish has the power to uplift and heal, or destroy and destruct. How we use this wisdom is important because it is extremely powerful.

Jyoti means light in Sanskrit. Nothing sheds light on our life quite like the ancient system of Vedic astrology. Jyotish astrology is unlike any other cosmic system available. Its depth, accuracy and spiritual guidance are unparalleled.

Here are my top six reasons why Jyotish will change your life forever.

1) Our natal chart is a complete map of our karma. 

Everything that we packed into our bag for this lifetime is in our Jyotish chart. This chart shows us what we’re here to work on and even why we are here to do the work. There’s really no need to wonder.

2) Jyotish is extremely thorough.

Western astrology can’t hold up to the profound layers of this ancient system of wisdom and insight. We have nakshatras (constellations) to refine the meaning and expression of the chart, dashas (planetary cycles) to share the messages and themes of our current life, vargas (divisional charts) that explain the intimate details of every part of our life: spouse, dharma, spiritual development and inherent weaknesses of the soul.

And this is just scratching the surface. The details offered through Jyotish are only limited by our ability to study, perceive and explore the ancient Vedic texts.

3) Suffering is optional. 

With a complete map of our karmas, discovering our biggest obstacles is easy and straightforward. The suffering that most people endure is truly optional. The more we explore the wisdom of our own karmic map, the more we can awaken to the intricate layers that share our strengths and weaknesses. Jyotish helps us discover our biggest challenges, then gives us the key for overcoming them.

4) Timing is everything. 

Much of our suffering is due to inaction or taking action at the wrong time. If we don’t know when to take action, we will miss important opportunities and precious resources that can help us on our journey. If we take action when there is not support or alignment from nature and the cosmos, we waste our valuable energy and may even be discouraged from taking appropriate action in the future.

The wisdom of Jyotish is actually the wisdom of nature. It shares the right timing for powerful support and alignment with natural law.

5) Discover your life purpose. 

Sadly, many people on the planet will never truly awaken to their life purpose. Nor will they feel totally fulfilled and ecstatic about their work and what they offer to the world. I believe this is one of the biggest tragedies of the modern age. But this is easily overcome by studying the Jyotish chart. All these dharmic details are shared within our karmic map.

6) Jyotish can bring awakening.

The ancient Jyotishis originally used the Jyotish chart to help people become enlightened, awakened and fully realized. The Jyotish chart is, in fact, the biggest resource for individual self-discovery and self-awakening, if used as such. The Jyotish chart can even share which pathways and tools are best to use. It can also share if we’ll be able to receive the wisdom we need for awakening and when moksha (release from the cycle of rebirth) will come.

Why study Jyotish astrology in an embodied way?

I use Jyotish astrology in a unique way—to bridge the cosmic map with the wisdom of the body.

When I look at a chart, I see the expression of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies and how they interplay. The first house of the chart is represented by the head, the seventh house is expressed in the pelvis and the 12th house correlates with the feet, and so on.

My beloved Ayurvedic teacher, Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, once told me that the highest purpose of Jyotish is to heal, not predict. When we can use Jyotish as a resource for awakening, on all levels of our being, it can also prevent needless suffering. Understanding your own chart and peeling back the many layers is a resource for understanding your path and purpose—why you arrived here in this body with this set of karmas.

The Jyotish chart opens the door to the wisdom of your body and your life path.



Author: Saraswati J.

Image: Taylor Nicole/Unsplash

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

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