March 2, 2017

The 5 “Buddhist” Stages of Grief.

The 5 Buddhist Stages of Dealing with Loss:

1. Make fun of yourself. Self-deprecating humor is vital to healing.
2. Realize nothing’s funny or joyful anymore at all, and stare at the mirror for long periods of time, seeing nothing.
3. Get lost on Instagram staring at happy people doing pretty good yoga, though her hip’s raised a bit too much.
4. Go to cafes (so you don’t stay home and stare at the mirror or, say, stay home and eat ice cream and feel sorry for yourself in bed alone while scrolling through Instagram).
5. Stay home and eat ice cream in bed alone, and feel sorry yourself. Notice your self-pity, and be okay with that. Turn your self-pity into maitri—self-compassion.
Eat more ice cream.


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