April 19, 2017

Stephen Colbert gives “Papa Bear” Bill O’Reilly the Best Send-Off Ever.

Bill O’Reilly’s time at Fox News has come to a grinding and surprising halt.

I can’t really say that I’m upset.

I’m a fiscally conservative and socially-liberal woman in America, identifying as a moderate. And so Bill O’Reilly, the face of Fox News, embodied many of the things that drive me crazy about the current state of affairs in the world—namely the entitlement of white men that tells them they can treat anyone, but especially women, however they want and get away with it.

So yes, I can’t honestly say that there isn’t a small human part of me that is celebrating this seeming victory as Rupert Murdoch says bye-bye to O’Reilly in the wake of the sexual harassment allegations against him.

Over the years, I found myself checking out Fox News just to see how absurd their version of “news” was, especially during the Bush-Cheney years. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of CNN either, but Fox has a special talent for absurd reporting in my opinion.

In the crazy years after 9/11, I dove into politics and current events because I wanted so badly to understand the dynamics of the world after I watched the Twin Towers crumble before my eyes. One of the things that kept me going during the eight Bush years was, you guessed it, late night talk shows—particularly Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

So naturally, I have a great appreciation for the history between Colbert and O’Reilly and truly understand that there is no better person than Colbert to send him off.

Over the years, I’ve found myself seeking out alternative news sources via The Anti-Media, Al-Jazeera, and Anon-News because I can’t stand what “journalism” and mainstream media have become. Let’s not forget that the head of Fox News, Roger Ailes, recently stepped down in the wake of sexual harassment charges as well.

About Fox News’s official statement on O’Reilly’s dismissal, Colbert joked, “I think they just took the Roger Ailes statement and changed the nouns.” Instead of condemning the host for his actions, Fox had written, “By ratings standards, Bill O’Reilly is one of the most accomplished TV personalities in the history of cable news.”

“By ratings standards, he is,” Colbert said as the audience groaned. “By moral standards, he was a self-righteous landfill of angry garbage.”

Does it get any better than that? Thank you once again, Stephan Colbert, for putting to words what we’re all thinking.

Watch it here!



Author: Lindsay Carricarte
Image: Wikimedia
Editor: Callie Rushton

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