June 20, 2017

How to Live a Life of Meaning in a World Desperate for “Likes.” ~ Amy Ippoliti

A post shared by Amy Ippoliti (@amyippoliti) on

We can use social media to be of benefit to the world.

But how? How do we resist the pull to just get “likes” and followers and instead engage with others mindfully, both on and offline? How can we make sure we leave space for real, human connection in a society full of folks living behind screens?

Check out Waylon Lewis and Amy Ippoliti‘s discussion on this and more:


Self-Promotion as Yoga Teachers: Is it Tasteless or Simply a Method to Share your Gifts?


How to Use Social Media to Be of Benefit.


Why We Love & Hate Social Media.


“But What about Eating Plants? They’re Alive, Too.”


Louis CK Quit the Internet & Maybe I Should Too.


The Future of Yoga.


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