May 6, 2018

Buddhist advice on what not to Eat.

We care, many of us, about our health. We spend silly money on popular fads, whether paleo, gluten-free (most of which is bad for you), broth or turmeric or whathaveyou. Some of these fads have real merit. Some…not so much (turmeric concentrates toxins from the earth…so if your turmeric ain’t organic, you’re mainlining toxins).

It’s important that we keep things simple. Eat local. Eat no more than you need. Eat mostly veggies. You know, Michael Pollan’s food rules. Enjoy your food. As Trungpa Rinpoche used to say, don’t eat your concepts.

I’d add, don’t eat poison (pesticides is just a fancy word for poison). And don’t cause suffering by your meals—your food represents at least three “votes” a day. So don’t vote plastic. Don’t vote animal suffering—whether you’re vegan or not, you can boycott factory farms.

Support your local farmer—that’s something Republicans and Democrats alike should be able to agree on.


I asked Michael Pollan why he’s not veggie. See his answer here.

Bonus round:

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