July 2, 2018

This is for the Women with Wings.

A post shared by Kate Rose (@karmas_rose) on

This is for the women with wings—the ones who have perhaps forgotten that they can fly.

The women who sit with budded hopes beneath the starry sky, their alabaster wings tucked beneath the armor they’ve had to grow in order to live the life others have expected from them.

The thing to remember is that even if your wings are dusty—or battered with bruises from love that never turned out as planned—they still work. They are just waiting for you to remember how to use them.

In this life, it seems we are all born knowing how to fly; however, others clip our wings at the first chance they get, distraught by our freedom and by our blatant resistance to be just one of the masses. And so, we forget that regardless of who we are or what our families told us we should become in life, the thing that we were most meant to do is fly. To stretch our wings up to the sun-filled sky and set ourselves free, flying toward whatever sets our souls on fire.

It doesn’t matter if we have a string of failed relationships or have survived a divorced we thought would nearly kill us. It doesn’t matter if we’re single and still hoping for that forever love, or if we fall asleep each evening next to babies who rely upon us for their very breath.

Because the thing is that no matter who you are to others—you, my dear, are your own first.

You are magnificent, not because of what you have accomplished—but instead, because of who you are. You are wonderment on a midsummer’s night, the sparks of fire crackling with possibility, and the breath of falling stars against the awakening dawn—you are a woman with wings.

Nothing ties you down except that which you allow—that which makes yourself forget what you truly are here for. It’s difficult, even impossible at times, to remember and to give ourselves the freedom to move where the wind takes us; to reach for further heights and explore deeper happiness than we’re told is possible.

But for the women with wings, we were born to create a new world—one where there are no limits, there are no ends, and there certainly are no “shoulds.” We were born to create beauty and to never stop growing, no matter the cost—to always put ourselves first, regardless of who we have to take care of, because we know that if we neglect ourselves then we also neglect those around us. We know better, because we know that the further we allow ourselves to fly, the higher we are able to soar with those around us.

This is for the women with wings, who mistakenly put lovers ahead of their own desires and dreams. Those who dream in color and wake with the memories of distant lands fresh upon their bare skin. The thing that we sometimes forget is that there is nothing in life that will make us wait for it if it’s truly meant to be a part of our journey—after all, there is only today.

Women with wings don’t wait for the perfect time, but instead make this moment as perfect as they can. They don’t sit around dreaming of someday; instead, they take today and make it one that they will remember forever.

And I know that at times it’s hard to fly—to seemingly give up the security that comes from believing that we need the approval of others or the assurance that it’s okay to spread our magnificent wings. To leave where we are and always carry a little bit of wild in our back pocket. But the thing is, my magnificent woman—the minute we start second-guessing ourselves is also the very minute we stifle our own hearts.

Hearts like ours were never meant to be put in a cage. We were not placed here on this earth to just be a wife, a mother, a girlfriend, or even a daughter. We belong to the divine—to the universe—and it’s her pulse that beats beneath our rising chests, inspiring us to follow that crazy longing inside.

To be a woman with wings means knowing that sometimes we have to fly alone.

We must make the choice to be true to ourselves, rather than any other one person, regardless of how full they make our hearts feel or how much just their simple touch can make our skin quiver. Life is much too short to live it according to others, because the sad fact is that “someday” slowly turns into promises never kept and eventually becomes “never.”

And what a shame it would be, my dear, to waste a heart like yours.

So, spread your wings. Remember who you are and what it feels like to dance beneath a summer rain—how it feels to kiss someone into eternity, and mostly importantly, how deliciously erotic our own satisfying company feels. It’s not that we are solitary creatures—however, it will likely take a lifetime to learn that only those who can meet us amongst the stars are the ones who are meant to stay in our lives.

It can feel scary when we begin to feel that tiny fraction of hope awaken—when we realize that perhaps we get to be our own women after all, not just a label or title to someone. That just maybe we don’t belong to anyone, because we can’t be contained by wedding bands or salaried paychecks. That perhaps women like us were never actually meant to settle at all—and only in doing so, do we actually realize the power we have to set ourselves free.

Women with wings don’t need to be rescued, fixed, or even tweaked into someone else’s form of perfection, because we are already perfectly imperfect, chaotically calm all on our own—and more often than not, it’s us who does the rescuing.

Because there’s no one better suited to rescue others from a life of monotony than a woman who has learned the strength and beauty she possesses within the power of her own wings—in the uniqueness she has possessed since the day she was born.

This is for the women with wings, because it’s time to fly. 

The world is waiting on us to remind them exactly how to live.


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author: Kate Rose

Image: Author's own

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina