September 25, 2018

The Age of Aquarius & the Rise of Female Power.

We stand in powerful and continuously changing times, finding our feet on shifting sands after the explosion of the #MeToo movement.

A movement that left many of us—irrelevant of gender—looking back and questioning what experiences within the imbalance we watched unfold before this hashtag created a new foundation for us to all build on.

As this fallout creates ripples across the huge and varied expanse of womankind, it allows us to determine a new rule book that we can begin to put to work, from the many different places and platforms we may stand upon.

While 2018 can rightly wear the “year of the woman” T-shirt with pride, it cannot claim ownership for sparking the fires of the multitude of burning issues women face, and have faced, across time.

The work put in across the centuries by brave women and men has created great change; however, in our current time, there is a feeling that we are watching the opening of deep-rooted black holes—ones that we have no option but to take notice of.

However deep these cuts, they are not only openings to the bigger issues we face in society, but they are also opportunities for us to go a further inside of ourselves.

They invite us to look at where and in what ways we may have been dimmed in our own lives and where we now wish to shine our light and exist brighter.

Right now, we see tennis star, Serena Williams raising her voice in her fight against what she felt to be a biased and harsh ruling from the male umpire in her recent match with Naomi Osaka.

The underlying issue with the ruling was in its injustice against her as a woman—that men have not received such harsh terms for similar expressions—she stood powerfully, questioning his decision and using her voice to make sure the issue was heard, not just on the court but across the world.

We can also watch the latest in debates about the female form and what is and isn’t acceptable as Tess Holliday, body positive activist, causes a furor for having the gall to stand tall within the skin she is in.

Not only that, but the gall to have a photograph taken and then be placed upon the front of Cosmopolitan, a magazine that reaches thousands of young women across the world every month.

(How dare she encourage other women to take a momentary lapse from the continuous barrage of self-doubt and loathing while she has thighs that chafe?)

Whether you agree with how Serena or Tess stand, you can’t deny that both these women are owning their presence and honouring their expression powerfully.

They are misbehaving and shaking their surrounds as they find their own point of steadiness.

To have this power and energy in the moments that matter to us as individuals is a stance many of us have craved, but who says these personal revolutions are just meant for those on center stage?

We are experiencing a time of great change and an uprising of female power.

We’ve spent the last 26,000 years in the Age of Pisces, a time of patriarchal power led by masculine rules, logical thinking, structures, and boundaries.

But now, as we move into the Age of Aquarius, we find ourselves stepping back into the matriarch and this is why we see the world crumbling in the way that it is. The systems are crashing and the rules are changing as this movement takes place and the divine feminine power rises.

The divine feminine is the essence of every women—it’s about the connection to our goddess self, to the divine inside.

I have seen this power and expression change over the years.

In my old career, I worked with a team of great women, all with drop top cars and Armani suits and all incredibly powerful.

That was my vision of what power was back then. But this isn’t about women leading in business, in positions of power outwardly—it’s about the inward work.

The practice of Kundalini Yoga helps us to find ourselves, inside ourselves. It allows us to truly celebrate the essence of who we are and how we can make the world a better place by vibrating that essence.

Through Kundalini Yoga, women can expect to meet themselves and to have a greater awareness of that self. It is an opportunity to delve inside and find what it feels like to be them.

For me this is the perfect time for women to step into their power.

While it’s incredible to watch these powerful women in the media unleashing their divine feminine energy and tearing up new ground, what does this really all mean to the “normal” women?

How about those with two kids and a drifting partnership, or a boss that makes them want to throw up in panic every morning?

We can do this by honouring our feelings, having boundaries, making time for self-care, personal space, meditation, yoga, and the things that make us feel good and connected.

I encourage women to live within their flow, to find their steadiness, and live with conscious intention.

That’s when we’ll begin to see women rising up—when the divine feminine power and grace come together and create something magical.

As I begin to question what my goddess has to say and how she can be unleashed to the world, I’m reminded of the quote by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, “Well behaved women seldom make history.”

And I realize: whatever we have to say we’re going to say it bloody loudly.


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Trish Whelan

author: Trish Whelan

Image: Cosmopolitan UK

Editor: Naomi Boshari