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November 20, 2018

The Awakening Fire (with Real-Time Dharma Doodling)

There is, within you, an Awakening Fire. When that fire is awakened – you awaken. The sacred fire burns away all the veils that hide the Radiance and obscure your capacity to live as the Light that you are.

In this Nano-Teaching , drawn from a four-part teaching presented to the Wisdom Heart Community, I explain how the three primary states of consciousness relate to the three appearances of the Holy Fire.

Highlights from this teaching:

  • Symbols are the language of the soul
  • Holy Fire can purify every level of consciousness
  • Your True Nature is warm, nourishing, and light

Sparks for Your Sacred Fire
In selecting excerpts from the longer Wisdom Heart programs, we’re looking for sparks; nuggets of inspiration and illumination that will:

  • Kindle your enthusiasm for spiritual practice
  • Light up your heart
  • Illuminate the path

Lighting the Fire is AND isn’t a DIY project
While no one can awaken for you – you do not awaken alone. All of life – every person, event, thing that enters your field of awareness – is here for your awakening. Everything is here to light the fire. But, life won’t force you to awaken. It will just smolder softly waiting for you to welcome the flame.

Your job is to welcome the Flame.
That’s the heart of spiritual practice: allowing that which is outmoded to burn away (it’s going to anyway) and gently breathe into the flame as it lights you up (which is blissful).

The Wisdom Heart Community is for those who are ready to burn away the veils.
To step into the fire of awakening and share the sacred warmth and holy light with all beings.

To learn more about the Wisdom Heart Community click here.

Love & Shanti,
E & D

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