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January 10, 2019

5 Ways You Can Help Your Partner Reach Their Goals

Having someone you can call your own, that same person you wake up beside every morning, the one you want to spend every hour and minutes of your life with is a great feeling isn’t? Of course it is and aside from all the sweet sweet feelings your render your partner during a relationship you can also be a helping hand towards achieving their goals, that’s a feeling that will never forget for a quite a long period of time.

As a lover you need to see to your partner success as their success equivalently mean your own success too and when they go up you also go up, nothing can be sweet as having a partner who is doing well for themselves and for a certain fact when your partner is excelling they will be happy, which will also spice happiness in your relationship, have you thought about how you can help your partner reach their goals in life? Here are few ways you can be of a great help in their success story:

  1. Don’t let your partner become paralyzed by potential obstacles and encourage them to focus on the positive aspects of achieving their goals: Enlighten your partner never to give up on their dreams, they should never blindly ignore their obstacles, kindly advices them on how they can overcome their obstacles so it can yield to greatness.
  2. Encourage your partner: Encouragement is the key to willingness, as a lover when you encourage your partner they will be happy to starve harder and be ready to do the needful. When you tell them words like “I am proud of your achievement and I know you can do better, they will be wilily to work and achieve other great success”.
  3. Help your partner develop strategies that will aid in pursuing their goals: Don’t just advice them to do this or do that, try as much as possible to develop strategies which they can apply to their work which will definitely yield success for them, if they had plan to do some certain thing you can join them in coming up with specific plan and also focus on goals that are realistic and attainable. Draw a plan along with them, these will make their work easier.
  4. Help your partner avoid other activities that will use up their willpower: Be observant about how they use their willpower, they shouldn’t waste their strength at the Gym then be left powerless when it comes their daily work activities, as much as possible help them maximize their willpower and give them reason to be fit enough for their own work.
  5. Don’t be controlling: Don’t make your partner feel controlled, advice them in a calm way, don’t make them see your advice as a must do, if you talk to them in command way, they might not feel like following your advice, giving your partner reason to see point in your word of advice is very necessary. Be the calm one, if you need to advice her regarding her daily work, you can just start with sending a Good morning text messages for her then in that same calm voice you can ship in your word of advice for her which will guide her work for the day.


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