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January 8, 2019

How to Keep Your Stuff From Ruling Your Space

As we leave this year behind and venture boldly into 2019, our thoughts turn to new beginnings and what we can shed from the past. The new year is a good time for us to take stock of where we are, what we have, what serves us and what does not. We can then make plans to enact change in all areas of our life.

When fall turns to early winter and the winter solstice is upon us, it reminds us that soon spring will be here. That is the perfect time to clean things out and organize our lives so that by the time spring arrives, we feel refreshed and new, right along with the chirping birds and budding flowers.

The end of a year is a great time for reflection but also to look forward. It’s a time to slow down a bit and not work so hard at “doing” but try more “being,” to get in touch with who we are and who we want to be. The idea of the winter solstice is to re-energize us for the year ahead — like filling our tank with gas so we can go that extra mile and face whatever the new year brings.

Winterize for More Space and Heat Efficiency

Winterizing your home can not only save energy and money but also lighten the workload so that chores don’t dominate your life. Along with throwing stuff out as the months grow colder, it’s a good idea to seal up your attic and check the insulation. Also, be sure to fix drafty windows and doors that can let a lot of cold air in and raise your heating bill.

If you have a sprinkler system, bleed the lines to prevent frozen pipes and insulate indoor pipes to avoid disasters. Anywhere in your home where you have exposed ductwork or pipes, be sure to secure them with insulation and keep them warm so they don’t freeze on those particularly cold days.

Your house and your pocketbook will thank you when you suture up those exposed areas of potential heat loss. Spend this winter comfy and cozy knowing your home is at its best to weather the change in season efficiently.

Declutter and Rid Your Life of Chaos

When you live in clutter, you live in chaos. It’s hard to keep a focused mind with too many belongings and no sense of order. All of these items that you own need maintenance and regular upkeep that can consume your time and cause you stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. The more you own, the more time you spend taking care of your stuff.

Keeping your home in good working order and organized makes you feel good and saves valuable time later. Decluttering provides not only more physical space but also spiritual space for change and opportunity. It also affords you the luxury of helping others while helping yourself through donations.

The change of a new season is a great time to take inventory and weed out things you don’t use, things you don’t want and things that have outlived their usefulness. One of the great things about decluttering your life is finding a lot of stuff that can be donated to help other people. Eliminating clutter also helps to create space in your life for something new.

There are a ton of good reasons to declutter and eliminate excess stuff. Cleaning things out makes you feel happy. It simplifies your home and upkeep. Sometimes it is easier if, when you buy something new, you get rid of something old. Instead of doing it all at once, your decluttering can take place over time. Your home will feel simpler and more organized, and if you need to move, it will be that much easier after you get rid of things you don’t want or need. This can be anything from jewelry, to clothing, to kitchen appliances, meaning clearing the clutter can really apply to any room and any space!

Refreshing Spirituality and Well-Being

Sometimes, along with a decluttering of our physical space, we also need to refresh our spirituality for better health and well-being. Incorporating meditation, gratitude, and other spiritual practices can lead to hope, optimism, and happiness. There are many great resources for spiritual teachings and guidance online and in bookstores.

When the seasons change and you decide to re-purpose or donate items to make space in your life, don’t forget about your spiritual well-being. Studies have shown that spiritual wellness helps with decision-making, reducing stress and improving the quality of your life.

Many people have embraced the minimalist movement because simplifying their lives not only declutters their homes, it also frees their minds to be more focused on what is meaningful. Making changes in life to improve your whole mind, body and soul are the best kinds of change — and what better time than a new year? With a few small tweaks here and there, you can make 2019 your best year ever!


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