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May 2, 2019


“Good things come to those who sweat”

The more you will jerk your body, the more you will get sweat. That’s why physical exercise is the heavenly way of achieving ‘good things’. I know many of you are a bit curious about the relationship between exercise and spirituality. YES, it’s obviously co-related.

Physical exercise is highly essential for a healthy life. It not only improves your health condition but, also cures you from inside keeping you fresh mentally. There are various forms of physical exercise like- Swimming, Running, Jogging, Skipping, Gymming, Weightlifting anything that requires physical strength.

Actually, it’s all about the blood circulation. the more blood circulates in your brain, the more you will be active and will invigorate your spiritual life.

How Physical exercise helps you heal spiritually?

Apart from the physical benefits, exercise also comes with a lot of spiritual benefits. Spiritual benefits refer to the activeness of your brain, upliftment of mood, creating a positive aura around you eliminating the negativity, clears your chakras which ultimately results in bringing peace to your soul. As per So let’s check out the 5 best Spiritual benefits of physical exercise.

  1. Uplifts your mood

Exercise connects your body to mind and soul. When you do physical workouts or Yoga, you release adequate endorphins which increase your brain power. It improves the neural growth of your brain, helps you to be creative, develops new patterns of thinking, builds your mental focus, increases your intelligence power and finally makes your mind positive cutting off the negativities. A good amount of physical exercise also makes you feel tired as a result of which you have a deep sleep at night and wake up fresh the next day with a positive and active mind. Physical exercise due to these benefits is known as the natural antidepressant for treating stress, depression, anxiety, negativities thereby improving your mental health. The more you feel positive mentally, the more you will find yourself getting connected to God.

  1. Helps you to medidate

Meditation is the ultimate way to bring peace to your mind, body, and soul. Also through meditation, you reach one step closer to God and connect with him emotionally. If you don’t have focus and concentration you won’t be able to meditate. Physical exercise through endorphin secretion helps in building your concentration level and also flushes out the toxins from your body organs that make you ill and lazy. As a result, your active brain helps in doing meditation with full concentration and connects you spiritually to God by developing a calmness of mind and a positive aura around you.

  1. Improves Relationships

You must be thinking what physical exercise has to do with relationships? Well, working out together be it gymming, walking, racing, jogging, swimming or Yoga sessions is the best way to spend some quality time with your partner in this busy life. Working out together develops the tuning between both of you. You can try out new workouts together, have fun with each other while working out, have healthy competitions be it in racing or swimming and even go for a walk together spending some quality time. Physical workouts together develop your emotional bonding, tune your energy levels and also improve your sex life.

  1. Heals your Chakras

Human beings have 7 Chakras in their body which is referred to as the Spiritual energy hub of the human body. These chakras are present at the base of the Spine, below the navel, Stomach, chest, base of the throat, forehead and on the top of the head. There are different physical exercises to clean each chakra.  For-ex- The Root chakra ( base of the spine) which helps the human body to be stable has got a rigid form of energy. You can clean and refuel it through exercises like Yoga, Dance, and Running to develop stability and strength. Similarly, there are exercises for other ones like- Boat Pose for the third chakra which stands for self-esteem improvement, camel poses for the chest chakra which stands for emotional healing and so on.

  1. Resists temptation and Blocks negative energy

Temptation often leads you to the dark route be it smoking, drinking, gambling, drug addiction or anything harmful for your life. Exercise helps you in resisting these temptations through meditations, muscle relaxations, improving postures and developing mental health. In short, it helps you to develop the will power that is required to block anything negative or bad. Human beings often find hard to have strong will power and end up messing things. Physical exercises help in you developing the mental strength to say no to unhealthy things and also clean the negativity in your mind.

Final Words

If you are looking for a stress-free peaceful lifestyle, start doing regular physical exercise for at least 30 minutes to have these 5 amazing spiritual benefits.

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