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June 28, 2019

I don’t enjoy life

Before you beat yourself up for the nagging thoughts, persistent depression, and lack of joy in your life- remember that most people are in the same boat. People are overworked, underpaid, in debt, with the highest rates of loneliness in history, the worst state of mental and physical health in history, and in a climate where our demise as a society is a regular topic of conversation. These things build up, and life can seem overwhelming and unbearable. You may find yourself at the end of the day simply saying, “I don’t enjoy life”. One good thing you can get out of this: You’re not alone. There’s a reason why so many people aren’t enjoying their place in life or the cards handed to them. Maybe the problem is not in people’s inability to find happiness where they are, but in the society we live in, in the world we are supposed to find happiness in. 


We live in an individualist society, one that encourages independence and isolation through the enforcement of the nuclear family unit. This is the structure that is enforced through public policy, social opinion, and American history- but this structure of a nuclear family separate from a community is failing the American people. In the midst of a climate crisis, public health crisis, violence, poverty, and all the other ailments of this country, people need each other, not the head of the family. This is why the issue of not enjoying life is so common- our societal structure is hurting us. 


Because the issues looming over the American consciousness are so nebulous, so crippling to think about, it’s hard to imagine doing anything to help these causes- especially because our day to day lives are enough to get through. It’s hard to stay motivated when you don’t see a successful future.

There’s a very simple solution: doing your own research. Learning more about the issues that make your life worse helps to detangle the issue, make it simpler, and can help you know how to combat it. Research and do what you can to work towards a future you can hope for! Whether it’s making improvements in your life or others’, we all need people making this world better. 


Finding a community that you can work to make better, working with your family to make more meaningful connections, reaching out for support wherever you can find it, are all ways to combat this society and its structures that haven’t allowed emotional dependence or community structures to form. First, finding community, then finding individual strength and happiness- these are how we can stop the growing sickness called, “I don’t enjoy life”.

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