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June 24, 2019

I don’t know what to do with my life

Personal topics like fulfillment and self-pride are so commonly agonized over that they get lost and diluted as we go about the day. With so many distractions and strains, and a lack of motivation to change yourself, it feels impossible creating a life that coincides directly with the path for your fulfillment. It seems that everyone is so focused on getting through their lives that they don’t contemplate how they are getting through their lives, and this creates mounting stress as the dissatisfaction grows. When it comes to figuring out the broad nebulous “purpose in life”, it’s either thought about all at once in a moment of pressure, or it’s looming in the back of your mind as you go about the day, leaving the topic all too much to deal with. This results in people spending their lives filled with stress, fear, and anxiety. 

If I’ve found myself not knowing what to do with my life, it’s probably because I haven’t put enough thought into it- whether it’s a lack of time or energy, being able to pursue what I want even if I knew what I wanted, or I don’t know myself well enough to decide what to dedicate my life to. Sometimes, a large step is admitting: “I don’t know what to do with my life”.

The remedy to this is simple- taking your time to know yourself and what type of work would suit you and your situation best, and then doing what you have to do to get there. This can only come through time and experience; don’t stress about not finding your purpose as soon as possible. And if you can’t find a way to do what you want with your life, at least you have a goal, and you know yourself and your values more. 

I’ve seen people rush to try to figure out their purpose and life plan, and I’ve never seen one of those rushed plans follow through. Life never happens the way we expect, and if we try to plan inflexibly, we’re digging ourselves into holes and worrying for nothing. Figure out the situation that works best for you, teaches you the most, allows you to prepare for a future, and where you can feel fulfilled in whatever way is best for you. 

There’s always going to be a worry that by the end of your life you still find yourself saying, “I don’t know what to do with my life”, and that’s ok. It’s good to have that desire to do the most with your life.

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