June 28, 2019

July’s Astrology Report: 2 Dark Moons, 2 Eclipses (Plus “You Know Who” is in Retrograde).

*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


When’s the new moon? There’s an eclipse? What sun sign are we in? Is it Mercury retrograde again?

These are the questions I receive daily from my tribe. It’s so much easier to follow the natural cycles of the cosmos when we don’t have to search for each bit of information separately.

So, here’s July’s astrology at a glance:

Because of the relationship layers between the moon, sun, and planets, every shift you make this month will be quicker, more potent, and decidedly influential on the months ahead.

Let’s talk about Mercury retrograde first because it’s the one event we get in a kerfuffle about most.

Here’s my take: when in proximity of any planetary retrograde, we tend to focus on what can go wrong, and plenty can in areas of communication, technology, and relationships when it comes to Mercury. However, calmer heads prevailing, all this becomes an opportunity for mindful awareness.

For some, retrogrades can be quite unsettling. If you know yourself to be such, avoid anything big like buying a house, signing contracts, permanent relationship decisions, computer shenanigans—you get the idea. If retrogrades have never been your nemesis, continue on as planned, but with eyes wide open.

Mercury in retrograde asks us to pay closer attention to details, to hear our partners, to listen to our intuition, to be present. Now, I find it somewhat comforting: here you are, old, cosmic friend, helping me to focus on what’s important, and to slooow down. I think we all need this kind of reminder every so often.

Dark Moon in Cancer

While the rest of the world celebrates the new moon, witches observe the dark moon. I went more in depth around this in last month’s dark moon Lilith ritual.

This month, we observe two dark moons in Cancer. There is so much sacred energy pillowed between them. They are like the guardians of our journey, offering safe boundaries for deep inner work.

The distinction is the dark moon when there is no visible moon in the sky (popularly called new) and the new moon (a day or two after depending on your location) is when the first crescent of light appears. If you were to cast magic, the dark moon is for banishment, the new moon for casting of dream seeds/manifestation.

Beyond that, the dark moon offers us a pause. It’s a night for absolute rest, silence, and introspection. “Don’t rush the light,” as I like to say.

July’s dark moon coincides with the total solar eclipse and opening of this year’s eclipse season.

All eclipses are portals for change. They herald shifts in perspective, initiations, and outcomes. They are purging times. We can clear trauma, generational bonds, outgrown spirit guides, and old thought patterns, creating consciousness paradigm shifts. Therefore, the dark moon, a time for banishment, is perfect for such work. It is not the night for calling in the new. Save it for the night following, when these powerful energies have carried us forward without effort. Use the natural forces of the cosmos to operate from a sense of ease.

When the sun and moon engage in this dance of light and shadows, we can expect to activate more heart chakra, to feel into our emotions and honor them, to ruminate on our soul’s path, and to open to reconciliation with others—perhaps even with ourselves, and our inner child. Self-expression is key at this time. If you don’t have a journal practice, this would be a perfect time to begin recording insights or visions.

Because this dark moon will be greatly magnified through the power of the eclipse, all the letting go of what no longer serves may have a compounded effect on your life. Any grounding practice you follow is absolutely essential this month. Some people need grounding daily and even hourly. Pay attention to your body and emotional signals.

New Moon in Cancer

A day later, we shift into manifesting! What calls you? What will you sow into the dark earth to bring to the light of the full moon later in the month? Here’s the scoop on manifesting: it’s the secret behind the secret behind the secret…Manifesting is not a doing thing—it’s a feeling thing.

For instance, let’s say you need more resources to take a holiday (time and/or money). Don’t go around feeling into the need. The universe will respond with a frequency of lack, which you don’t want more of. Instead, feel into what it is to have all the resources for taking that holiday. Feel the abundance. The universe will again match your frequency, this time with abundance. Every time. It’s really that simple. Opportunities will arise for you to create more of those resources you desire. Woo-woo? Not really. It’s alchemy.

Full Moon in Capricorn: Partial Lunar Eclipse Connects Retrograde & Pluto in Capricorn

July’s full moon amplified by the lunar eclipse is yet another possibility portal for us to release and regroup. Are you getting the gist of this month yet? If it feels intense, and it is, especially with Capricorn’s dedication to hard work and responsibility, its imprint of masculine authority, and calls to action.

The moon is mother energy—on every level you can imagine. It is illuminating of our inner wounds. Call in the full moon’s nurturing, mother aspect in the midst of all this clearing work. Rest in her silvery softness. Balance Capricorn’s authority with Luna’s feminine energy. Be open to receiving.

If your own mother/child relationship is strained or missing, seek out the Great Mother/Nature, for the solace she will offer at this time. Go to the woods, Wild One! Take a look at the seeds you planted at new moon. Can you harvest or do they need more germination and growth? What has transpired since last year’s eclipse season? I bet if you look back, you will see your own transformation.

Sun in Leo

Toward the end of the month, the sun (our own personal generator, which powers us much like it does plants) transits into Leo.

I’m partnered in love with a Leo (insert a straight face emoji here. Intense, is all I’ll say). Leo energy is fiery, ruled by the sun. These two are in a serious relationship! Leo brings us warmth, exuberance, teaches self-appreciation, plus a healthy dose of light and loyalty.

Leo is a natural leader, charismatic, sometimes loud or bossy, often gracious, and a steadfast friend.

We can harness this energy expressed by the lion, and access their confidence. Leo rules the heart. Their affection is boundless unless they feel that your loyalty is misplaced. In fact, Leo is crushed by dishonesty.

To have a good relationship with Leo, one must have firm boundaries, value affection, and clear communication. In that way, Leo is a masterful teacher of how to flourish in love.

Appreciate a Leo and you will have them purring their way through life. They are the center of their own universe, and want to be of yours. Sometimes generous to a fault, Leo loves to give and appreciates abundance in return. Manifesting geniuses, Leos need to know that they won’t have to scrape by. Luxury of spirit is one way I would describe Leo people and energy.

Allies for Leo are gold, any yellow stones, sunflowers, rose quartz for their heart chakra, cats, lemons, honey, marigolds, and chamomile essential oil. Leos need lots and lots of grounding to keep in balance with their sensitive emotions and stretching to keep their spinal (kundalini) energy flowing.

For those of us who aren’t born under the Leo sign, we may have aspects of Leo in our chart, and if we do, we will need to pay attention to the way it expresses itself through us.

In the end, it’s all about knowing ourselves, as the frontispiece at the Temple of Delphi advises—all about flowing with the mystery that is the cosmos; an external reflection of our very beingness.

Merry July, Wild Ones.


Sources: Cafe Astrology

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