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June 14, 2019

Yoga at Home for Beginners: 7 Tips to Get You Started

Last year was the year I discovered yoga. Up until this point I was terrible at any form of exercise, but since I’ve started doing yoga at home, I feel like I’ve finally found a type of workout that I enjoy. There’s so many reasons why I love doing yoga – it makes me feel fitter, it helps with my anxiety, and I feel more confident in myself. In fact, I recently read this wonderful article by Cara Fraser, and I have to say that I have learned very similar lessons. I must admit I tried a yoga class a few years back, but I didn’t enjoy it. I felt as though I wasn’t as good as everyone else and that I was being watched. As a result, I didn’t go back. It wasn’t until a friend of mine suggested I try doing yoga at home. And thus, a new love was born!

In the spirit of encouraging anyone else who would like to start learning yoga, I’ve put together a list of my top tips when it comes to yoga for beginners. Hope you enjoy it!

Get the Right Equipment

I get it – if you’re a 100% beginner, you may not want to spend a bundle on fancy equipment until you know this is going to be for you. Luckily, yoga is one form of exercise that you don’t actually have to pour a ton of money into to get started. If you invest in just one thing, I would strongly advise it’s a yoga mat. They’re designed to stop you from slipping and sliding all over the place and it’ll mean you’re more comfortable during your workout. While a premium quality mat can be slightly more expensive, it’s still possible to find cheaper ones out there through sites such as Amazon. As you learn more moves, you may find it useful to invest in equipment such as yoga blocks that can also help with your alignment and comfort. 

Wear the Right Clothing

Sensible clothing is also key when it comes to yoga. Again, you don’t have to invest in a whole load of fancy sportswear, but making sure that you wear something that’s breathable and comfortable is a good idea. When it comes to bottoms, yoga pants are my go to choice as they’re nice and fitting, but on the days when I’m feeling a little bloated I’ll wear a looser pair of jogging bottoms or harem pants. In some cases, on a lazy day I’ve even been known to wear my PJ bottoms! A comfortable, fitting top is also a good idea as it’ll ensure you get the proper support. Footwear wise, barefoot is always best, but if that’s not your thing, you can find sports socks that will have some extra grip.

Find What Works for You

We all learn differently, and when it comes to yoga for beginners it’s no different. Of course learning at home likely means that you’re self teaching, but if you haven’t a clue what you’re doing, there’s still resources out there! I personally love YouTube, as searching for “beginner yoga routine” opens you up to a whole range of fitness vloggers and channels. I love Yoga with Adriene, as she has workouts for different levels and that target different areas of the body. If using video tutorials isn’t your thing, there’s a whole array of apps out there and yoga for beginners online guides that can help you get started.

Schedule in Your Workouts

They say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit. While you may not have the time to do a workout every single day, get an idea of what free time you have so you can pencil them and stick to them. Actually setting aside the time to do your workouts them means that you’re less likely to bail and it’ll help you to phase yoga into your daily routine.

Start Out Small

It’s important to take things slowly with any form of exercise to build yourself up to the more advanced moves, otherwise you could end up injuring yourself. Do a little search for a beginner yoga routine that will ease you in gently, and once you’re feeling confident, you’ll be able to push yourself a little bit more every time. Make sure you know your limits too – if a particular move becomes painful, don’t try to power through! Stop, and come back to it when you’re ready to try again.

Go Easy on Yourself!

My final tip? Don’t be too hard on yourself if a move doesn’t work out. We all learn at different paces. Just because that fitness vlogger on YouTube is making it look ridiculously easy, or that move your app’s telling you to do looks virtually impossible, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to do it! Everyone’s on their own fitness journey, so just be proud of what progress you’re making and keep trying!

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