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July 1, 2019

When You Feel Like an Outsider

There are so many different reasons for someone to feel like an outsider in this society. In a world where our identities our sexuality, gender, race are used to oppress us and make us feel less than the white man, the average person is not meant to feel like they “fit in”. When we feel like we don’t “fit in”, we spend more money on clothes, makeup, special dietary foods, etc. The first step of trying to feel like an outsider is to drop the image of what you want to be, the image this society has told us we have to be. Embracing your own identity and finding comfort in your own skin is a great first step in helping you feel like you belong.  The social constructs that lead us to believe we are lesser for our differences is a hard obstacle to overcome, but the challenge lies in our mentality, strength, and willingness to change our self misconceptions. Many of us were made to believe, by design, that one thing defines “normal” in every facet of life. Creating our own “normal” and enforcing the notion of it keeps us from dwelling on the opinions and expectations of others that we simply cannot meet. What goes hand-in-hand with this idea, however, is the need to listen to each other’s voices, opinions, and needs. Learning how to communicate with every type of person is how you expand your social horizons, diminishing this “outsider” complex.

Creating your own bounds to exist in, your own self-expectations, your own reality is how to feel like less of an outsider. Create your own box that you fit in perfectly.  What many of us “outsiders” do not realize is that there is nothing that we are outside of. 

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