October 5, 2019

Understanding our Instincts versus Intuition & How to Connect with Both of Them.

“To be human is to become visible while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others” ~ David White

I want to invite you to these two core pillars within the human experience: our instinctual nature and our intuitive essence.

To be human is to fully experience the depths of their meaning and differentiate one from the other. It is our natural way of being; we are gifted these human instincts upon arriving here, only to step deeper into life do we get to discover our intuition.

Both traits are primal and ancient, yet so often we merge ourselves in the fast lane, drifting further out to sea with no intuitive direction.


Our instinctual nature is that balance between the internal and external mechanisms that navigate us physically through life. In some cases, this can be survival skills and so often they are the traits and habits we use daily that keep us alive. Instinct comes from the word instinctus, or “impulse” which corresponds directly to our bodily reactions.

For instance, when we are hungry or when we are tired, as well as in what ways we move, changes due to a physical reaction to our instincts. It is an inner biological compass that is always in communication with our bodies, and so often we go about our days unaware of these instinctual natures.

Ways to connect with your instincts:

1. Connecting with the seasons, allowing yourself to rediscover the cycles of the outer world around us, and how your personal body responds to the shift in the physical seasons.

2. Track your cycle! Yes, as woman this is one of our most primal bodily instincts. Start a journal or download an app on your phone ( I love the “My Flo” app) and understand when you’re fertile and when your cycle is.

3. Rest. Finding deep rest and listening to this primal bodily instinct is the key to really tuning in and building a healthy relationship with our instincts. Do you enjoy going to bed early? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you slowing down during autumn and winter?

4. What ways do you move your body? Finding a physical practice that gets your body moving is a healthy instinct that our bodies are always seeking.

5. Breathe. Coming back to your breath…are you reacting in a way that isn’t of benefit? Can you breathe more awareness into the ways you respond and react?

Questions to connect with your instincts:

>> How do I feel like moving today?

>> What am I physically craving right now?

>> How does my body respond to the seasons? In what ways are we connected?

>> What is my relationship with my period?


Think of intuition as the hidden whisper within that invites us through the mysteries of life.

I associate intuition as the feminine, whereas our instinctual nature invokes our masculine side of survival. By inviting more intuition into our lives, this sense of mystery and inklings of our life’s callings are discovered. It is as if we are each born with a guiding compass of intuition, yet only when we are ready, do we develop an intimate relationship with its essence.

Intuition can feel something like butterflies beneath our bellies, a reoccurring sign, a dream, or even a simple whisper somewhere in our bodies that pulls us closer to our authentic natures.

Ways to connect with our intuition:

1. Dream journals! Recording your dreams each morning you wake up, or maybe even speaking them to a friend.

2. Go a day without planning anything and allow your inner bodily cravings to pull you in the places and spaces it’s calling for. What synchronicities played out? Where did you end up spending your day?

3. Cook a meal directly inspired by your body’s cravings (no shoulds or shouldn’ts and loosen all restrictions). What colors do you crave? Flavors, textures, scents?

4. Painting. Pull out all the colors, mediums, textures, and be lead by the hand of your heart. Allow your own intuition to guide you and try to not follow any guidelines or inspirations.

5. Sit in the garden, in nature, what does the outer world invoke within you? This can so often be a direct mirror to our own intuition or even a mentor to our muscles of intuition.

Questions to connect with your intuition:

>> What is calling to me in this current moment?

>> How am I feeling right now?

>> In what ways does my creativity want to be expressed?

>> Is there an inner whisper that wants to say something?


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Sophie Haber  |  Contribution: 760

author: Sophie Haber

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari