December 23, 2019

The Only New Year’s Resolution we’ll Ever Need.

Resolution time is upon us once again.

Right now, billions of people are deciding what they want the new year to feel like. And a lot of us have grown used to the hamster wheel of New Year’s resolutions.

The trouble is, most people give up on their resolutions by February because either the belief system behind our resolutions is simply not strong enough, or because there are just too many goals. Both can lead to a feeling of overwhelm and a sense of feeling paralyzed.

While part of the purpose of our resolutions is to manifest change and shift beliefs, we fall short due to the fact that most of us are recycling what we think we should do, or be, or have. We are not checking in with what is truly resonant for us.

As I’ve been pondering the new year, I also have things I want to change, but the thought of a list feels like a big drag. My spirit just sinks at the energy connected with these lists—an energy that feels tired and isolated, and is a set-up for disappointment.

Life happens. There are some things that we have no control over, no matter how centered we are or how much breathing we are doing. Resolutions tend to fall by the wayside because they are not complimentary to shake-ups, schedule changes, and life’s oh-so-fun plot twists.

Our resolutions need to become more accessible—something we can depend on rather than cringe at when life throws us yet another curve ball.

Instead of a list of things to tick off, or a schedule of new activities that makes your head feel like a water balloon about to pop, make your resolution this mantra:

I resolve to show up for myself.

This resolution is not only supportive, it is open for interpretation. We can show up for ourselves and others in millions of ways. It’s literally endless. It encompasses anything from an action step to a belief shift.

>> Show up for yourself by buying your favorite hand lotion.
>> Show up for your partner by doing the dishes because you know they had a long day.
>> Show up for your kids by reading them a second book at bedtime.
>> Show up for the world by helping a stranger.

This resolution can be used in any circumstance and in any way. It’s specific and fluid. It is a catalyst and a shape-shifter. It’s the important side dish to anything you want to accomplish.

You can show up for yourself by exercising, following your intuition, baking more, taking a class, listening to a friend, taking risks that feel exciting, or finally getting that tattoo.

There is no need to plan, manipulate, or get stressed out. This is a moment by moment resolution. Whenever you feel stuck, simply ask, “How can I show up for myself right now?”

The more we show up, the richer our life becomes. The more we show up, the more trust we build with ourselves. The more we show up, the more we like the feeling of showing up because it feels so good.

How you show up for yourself will create the new year of your dreams.

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Elizabeth Gordon  |  Contribution: 62,090

author: Elizabeth Gordon

Image: Bethany Szentesi/Unsplash

Editor: Marisa Zocco