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March 27, 2020

“Be Like Water”

If I was ever going through a hard time growing up my dad would remind me of Bruce Lee’s famous quote Be Like Water. “Be like water making its way through the cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it.  If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup…if you put water in a tea cup, it becomes the teacup. Now, water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

Our climate/the world is changing and we need to change along with it. While it is difficult to let go of our own ideas of how things should be based on past experiences it is important to unattach yourself from “should.”  Be adaptable, malleable and start focusing on “could.” Look at this as a time of opportunity to improve yourself.

You can’t listen to the news without being inundated by numbers.  So. Many. Numbers. People who have been tested, unconfirmed, confirmed cases, potential monies being released, dates when they hope to see a plateau or when school may be back in session.

By focusing just on numbers it’s difficult to not get attached to the “until” or “when” this date comes everything will return to normal.  Unconsciously we start a count down to “life as we know it” thinking we. have it make it until ‘X’ day.

Circling a date in red on the calendar is holding yourself hostage. Your mind set shifts to just making it through the day instead of taking control of every day. This rigid thinking doesn’t allow you to see the opportunities unfolding around you (look at the distilleries making hand sanitizer instead of alcohol, or the companies shifting their production to making masks for health care workers). You are in control of your own life. Today. Right now.

If you took each wave that came along and rode it to shore, taking each day at a time, rather than fighting against the tide, how would your mind set change? If you took the technology at your finger tips and your skills could you change forms, just like water in a cup?

Be like water my friends, together we can accomplish great things even in the face of uncertainty, because water will find a way around or through.

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