April 22, 2020

31 Tiny Ways to make the World a Better Place, Without Leaving Home.

The world is in crisis and it hurts—plain and simple. But there’s also treasure in the crisis.

If it wasn’t clear before the coronavirus pandemic forced billions of us to stay at home, it’s clear now. Human activity is crippling the planet and the planet can recover…if given the chance.

But there are also some things that haven’t changed: there are still mountains of plastic floating in the oceans. In fact, microplastics were recently found for first time in Antarctic ice where krill source food. That’s how profoundly our plastic habit has poisoned the earth and its ecosystems.

Right now, many of us are thinking more deeply than ever about our impact, on our shared home and on one another. We don’t know what the world is going to look like when we come out on the other side of this, but we have a chance to make it better.

The simplest, most direct impact we can have on the health of our future, right now, is to change our daily habits. Consider the weight of the plastic waste you’re leaving in your wake, every single day, and make small, sustainable changes to reduce that.

We’ve taken our hugely popular Planet Over Plastic Challenge and freshened it up for Earth Day 2020 with new ideas that are doable from home.

We’ve kept our classic avoid-plastic tips: genuinely helpful, practical little things we can all do, with shout outs for some of our fave eco companies doing it right—not because they paid us, or even know we mentioned ’em here, but because we genuinely love what they’re doing to help rescue this precious planet of ours from drowning in plastic.

Take one tip a day to stay inspired, informed, and empowered. Share the challenge with your friends, family, colleagues. Start a Planet Over Plastic group (virtually, of course) to keep each other pumped and accountable.

Even if you only manage to accomplish 1 of these 31 things, you’ll have made a difference, and contributed to a better world for us all to enjoy again, just as soon as we can.

Planet Over Plastic Challenge, 2020—Take One Tip a Day.

Wednesday, July 1

1. Bring Everything but the Kitchen Sink

Avoid plastic utensils by getting a bamboo set or spork, or wrap a set of silverware in a handkerchief. And don’t forget your reusable cups, mugs, or bottles. Grab everything you need at Eco Products.
Stock up on Eco Utensils
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