May 4, 2020

5 Next-Level Quarantine Self-Care Tips.

Relephant read: Elephant’s Continually updated Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon


Earth has taken a sigh of relief.

Regardless of the state of the economy, politics, or current affairs, nature and life go on. And right now, nature is blooming—a modest but powerful reminder of what matters.

Flung into a new way of life, we are either running flat-out, or we have entered a void. Mankind has undergone a deceleration, stunning us into a new awareness.

Some of us are working to our limit, supplying food, caring for people, and saving lives. Others are at home, struggling in our stillness. Many of us are finding faith in the moment, sensing a deep knowledge that a new beginning is around the corner. Wherever we stand, there is one certainty: COVID-19 has shaken things up. The universe is reminding us of a greater power, beyond human authority.

The precedence of greed, money, status, and appearances is slipping away, crumbling to dust against the reality of the universal truth. This is transforming us all, playing out inside each one of us until consciousness is driven home.

Human awakenings unleash fear and desperation. Listening tentatively beyond that, it is clear that a new beginning is on the horizon. After all, new beginnings are born out of darkness.

To what extent we grasp this opportunity is of our own making. Our destiny is in our own hands and hearts. Changing direction is undeniably a struggle, but small steps are enough to pave paths in new directions.

When we feel good—deeply and truthfully good inside—we are on the right track. Self-care is key to supporting us in our transformations—a conscious decision to find the best in every situation.

Self-care is the pillar of our well-being.

These are some self-care tips that we can implement to help us through this time of personal and global awakening:

1. Get up early and structure your day.

When the day awakens, we are blessed with a magical stillness, and a timeless feeling of “this is just for me.” Let the beauty of the early morning rays shine peace into your day. Practice yoga, meditation, or simply write a few lines in your journal.

>> What would you like to experience today?
>> What would you like to achieve?
>> How would you like to feel?

Time for yourself in the morning sets the course of your day.

Here’s an idea for a daily home office routine:

>> 6:00 Get up, shower, yoga, meditation, journaling
>> 7:00 Eat breakfast, listen to a podcast
>> 7:45 Start work
>> 12:00 Lunch
>> 13:00 Work
>> 17:00 Go for a walk, spend time on a hobby

And one for the weekend:

>> 8:00 Get up, shower, yoga, meditation, journaling
>> 9:00 Eat breakfast, listen to a podcast
>> 9:30 Household chores
>> 11:30 Lunch
>> 13:00 Go for a walk, spend time on a hobby

2. Celebrate meals.

Our bodies are well-oiled machines that function ’round the clock. We should not take them for granted. They are the home of our souls. 

The nutrients from our meals nourish us deep into our muscles, organs, and cells. A balanced diet as well as a loving approach to eating is a true gift to ourselves and our bodies. Whether you decide to prepare simple meals, or experiment with new dishes, food and drink are sacred. What and how we consume has an impact on our emotional well-being.

Listen to your body. How does it react to your eating habits? 

Give your body the appreciation and care it deserves when you eat:

>> Plan your weekly menu.
>> Fill your cupboards with delicious foods, and ensure you have a balanced and healthy diet.
>> Prepare your food with love. Your love will flow into the dish, nourishing your body.
>> Bless your food, and give thanks to your meal for the vitality and strength it brings to your body.
>> Light a candle, and take time to enjoy your meal.

3. Practice gratitude.

Practicing gratitude amidst a crisis slows the downward spiral of negativity. Feelings of fear, rage, despair, and loneliness also have their place, and it is important to honor these feelings. Allow them to surface. Feel them. Grant them space.

In the midst of it all, finding balance is key.

Gratitude is a fast-track to seeing the positive, and prevents negativity from gaining the upper hand. Find the positives in your life and notice how your day will transform.

Before going to bed, conduct a daily review, noting five things for which you are grateful today. Remove the lid from this boundless source, and your gratitude will flow.

4. Observe moments of silence.

We are surrounded by an overflow of noise, information, and news, but the voice of our thoughts tells us the loudest of stories.

In meditation, we begin to become aware of those thoughts. This awareness steers the mind toward positivity, and gradually rewires our thought patterns.

A meditation practice to try:

>> Take five minutes in a quiet and comfortable place, seated or lying down.
>> Observe your breath.
>> Allow your thoughts to flow, and notice them.
>> If you step into your web of thoughts, return to observing your breath.

Practice meditation daily, and observe the sparks of positivity it brings to your day.

5. Get enough sleep.

Our body and mind serve us day in, day out, and they need their rest and recuperation to perform. Taking care of ourselves also means ensuring we have adequate, quality sleep. Sleep ensures we feel balanced, physically able, and mentally fit. A deep, restful sleep heals our entire being.

Here are some ideas to help you get better sleep:

>> Keep your bedroom a phone-free zone.
>> Go to bed early and at a regular time.
>> Use soft lighting or candles.
>> Read a book that makes you feel good.
>> Close your eyes, think of your loved ones. Send them love and healing thoughts.

Fall deeply and peacefully into your dreams, and see how the quality of your days transforms. 



What sorts of self-care are you taking part in and what have been their benefits?

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author: Lindsay Duffus

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