May 7, 2020

5 Signs that it’s Time for an Ayurvedic Detox.

*Editor’s Note: Elephant is not your doctor or hospital. Our lawyers would say “this web site is not designed to, and should not be construed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care and treatment. Always consult a health professional before trying out new home therapies or changing your diet.” But we can’t afford lawyers, and you knew all that.


There are numerous reasons for the accumulation of toxins in our bodies.

For example, if our digestive system is turned off, the body has a hard time getting rid of undigested food (this is called ama). This can negatively affect the waste disposal process and leads to the accumulation of toxins. There are also irritating and polluting materials that settle in the body system. 

Here are five signs that it is time for some Ayurvedic body cleansing:

1. Unexplained body aches.

There can be various reasons for muscle or joint pain, and we may experience general body aches from time to time. But when there is no apparent cause, it may be due to a buildup of toxic waste in the body. Excessive heat, inflammation, or a mild fever may also be associated with accumulation.

2. Tongue covered with a thick layer.

In Ayurveda, the tongue can be used as an indicator of general health. A thick coating may be indicative of toxicity. The thicker and darker the layer, the more likely our system is to clog. Use a tongue cleaner to help stimulate the digestive system and body cleansing.

3. Misty state of mind.

We notice that we have difficulty thinking and making precise decisions. Our mind is in a fog and preventing us from thinking clearly. This is another sign of toxic buildup in our body’s system.

4. Tiredness after a meal.

Eating should give us energy and satisfaction. Feeling bored or exhausted after a meal can be a sign that our body is not dealing with what it is being fed. This can lead to undigested waste that can become toxic.

5. Bad smells.

If we notice we have bad breath, no matter what we do, this is a significant indicator. Our body is trying to expel toxins. Even smelly, frequent flatulence can be a sign of toxicity buildup in the body.

These are all signs that it may be time for Ayurvedic body cleansing to remove toxins. Knowing is the first step in making important changes.

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Suman Dasgupta  |  Contribution: 885

author: Suman Dasgupta

Image: Amila Tennakoon/Flickr

Editor: Kate Force